Agenda Perth GSP volunteer meeting Friday Sept 9, 6:30 PM at Coutts & Company Coffee Shop in Perth

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Tom Clarke

Sep 6, 2016, 9:38:03 PM9/6/16

Agenda Perth GSP volunteer meeting Friday Sept. 9, 6:30 PM at Coutts & Company Coffee Shop in Perth.

1) Welcome and introduction of new members

2) Ask for volunteer chair and secretary to record minutes 

3) Review + add to agenda as appropriate. 

4) Approve minutes from May 27th volunteer meeting 

5) Upcoming Events/Presentations

Calendars are ready, we can buy or take some to sell at this meeting

Thursday Sept 22 8:30 presentation to Social Work class at Algonquin in Perth

Don Samuel leaves Sept 30th

Sunday Oct 30th 10:30 presentation at Bethel United Church Rideau Ferry Rd

Annual Nov dance at Perth Civitan Friday Nov 18th

Time to contact St Pauls and St James in Perth about doing the annual presentations in Nov.

Start talking about this year Guatemala trip starting Saturday Jan 28th 2017, already quite a few volunteers committed.

6) Past events

Monday May 30 - Lunch with about 65 Ladies of the UCW of Eastminster United Church, Belleville.  Samuel, Anita and Tom.     

GSP Annual General Meeting (AGM) Sunday June 5th 1 PM at McMartin House, Perth
. Potluck at Phill’s.

Two  Marathon Kilt run booths June 26th, Paul, Tammy, Anita, and Rita

7) Next GSP volunteer meeting Oct 21st?

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