genre themes in a mundane world

2 katselukertaa
Siirry ensimmäiseen lukemattomaan viestiin


15.10.2010 klo 19.28.0115.10.2010
vastaanottaja The Guardians of Gallifrey
Witnessed genre themes in the mundane world twice last week, both
steampunk (like the giant Cyberman in The Next Doctor).

1. A sculptor at the Winter Park Art Festival used metal 'found'
objects (forks, watchsprings, etc.) to build humanoid figures.

2. Both the victim and killer in the latest episode of
"Castle" (Monday nights at 10 on NBC) attended steampunk events--a
crowd of participants were shown and Rick Castle actually used the
word 'steampunk.'

So...steampunk has been around the convention scene for HOW long?

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