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Call For Papers - 4th Conference On Java, Dec 09, India

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Harshad Oak

Aug 28, 2009, 5:21:43 AM8/28/09
:: 4th Conference On Java Tech ::
11, 12 Dec 2009, Pune, India
<< >>

Dear Friend,

I hope you are having a wonderful 2009 and the recent upswing in the economy has worked well for you.

Writing to inform you of the 4th Conference On Java Tech, scheduled for 11-12 Dec 09 in Pune, India. The conference call for papers is currently open and we are actively inviting and encouraging subject experts & top speakers to respond to the CFP. Do check out & respond to the CFP at ( Like previous years we are working to build a great lineup of national & international speakers.

We are proud of the fact that the IndicThreads conference has been a pioneer in the field of tech learning in India. The 2006 conference was the first independent event for Java learning in India and the conference continues to be the premier place for independent Java discussions in India. We are working to ensure that conference 09 also delivers super content & value.

The early bird registrations for the conference are open. Now is the best time to register & grab a seat at an unbelievable price.

Visit the conference website for details. You could subscribe to the Feed or track us on Facebook or Twitter to stay updated on conference proceedings.

Your suggestions are welcome at conf @ or write to me at harshad @

Last but not the least, if you think the conference is interesting, do find the time to share the conference info / link on your blog and twitter (#indicj). 


Harshad Oak
Founder, Rightrix Solutions
Oracle ACE Director, Sun Java Champion

IndicThreads Technology Conferences Conference On Java Technology, 11-12 Dec 2009, Pune, India

Call For Papers  --  Register

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