Fwd: A host of Plenaries and Concurrent Sessions to choose from

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Laura Anthony

Sep 28, 2023, 5:44:37 PM9/28/23
to zerowa...@googlegroups.com, Gree...@googlegroups.com, zw...@googlegroups.com

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Hello Laura,

Don't miss the informative Plenaries and

Concurrent Sessions that will be held this year!

Concurrent Session: "Changing Consumer Behavior to Achieve Zero Waste Goals"

Day 1 | October 25, 2023, 12:45 PT

Despite widespread knowledge that reducing consumption, followed by reuse, are key strategies in moving toward zero waste, these crucial components of the waste hierarchy continue to take a back seat in policies, programs, and implementation. Our panelists will explore ways to effect behavior change – both upstream and downstream – to achieve zero waste goals. Keep reading...

Plenary: "Overcoming Hurdles in Passing Zero Waste Legislative Bills"

Day 2 | October 26, 2023, 11:45 PT

There has been a flood of Zero Waste legislative bills at all levels – local, state and federal – addressing plastic products, recycling, composting, incineration, extended producer responsibility policies, and more. Opposition to these bills center on economic concerns and costs, operations disruptions and stranded assets, regulatory burden, and political ideology. Presenters in this session will discuss recent legislative efforts and the behind-the-scenes sausage-making about how these bills got to the finish line. Keep reading...

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Laura Anthony
Zero Waste San Diego

The Repair Revolution has begun. Join us at one of our upcoming SD Fixit Clinics by going to http://sdfixitclinics.eventbrite.com

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