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Upcoming Higher Ed Opportunities with the National Recycling Coalition

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Jack DeBell

Mar 2, 2024, 4:35:23 PM3/2/24
Greetings From the National Recycling Coalition - 

Take advantage of upcoming opportunities available through the National Recycling Coalition and its Campus Council.  The current issue of the Campus Council Newsletter for instance, details a $3,000 scholarship and $40 student registrations to the National Recycling Congress (3/5-6).  

Editor, Jack DeBell (University of Colorado at Boulder- retired), compiles and periodically shares accomplishments and opportunities with the objective of better connecting students, faculty, and collegiate programs with leaders in the North American sustainable materials management industry. Subscriber information is never shared.  Participation is always welcomed.

Past Issues of the Newsletter are available here.

For free subscription to the Newsletter, just reply to me or visit our subscription page.

Good luck this Spring and I hope to you'll stay connected.

- Jack

Jack DeBell
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