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waste management in arctic cities

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Amy Perlmutter

Apr 21, 2024, 1:28:12 PM4/21/24
to lizvago via Recycle-MA,
Saw this event and it looked really interesting!  I’m not sure how the listing will come through the listserv, so here is the link:

Arctic residents produce twice as much garbage annually than the global per capita average.  Who knew?!

Promoting Waste Management for Sustainable Arctic Cities

Fri., Apr. 26, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Arctic cities face uniquely challenging conditions for solid waste management, including harsh weather, geographic remoteness, limited infrastructure, and a rapidly changing climate. Arctic residents produce twice as much garbage annually than the global per capita average, with lower rates of waste collection and recycling than the rest of the world. 

The Arctic Initiative, together with the Arctic Mayors’ Forum, is hosting a webinar to explore how Arctic cities are implementing innovative approaches, including circular economy strategies, to address pollution and create cleaner, more sustainable places to live.

In this webinar, a panel of researchers and practitioners will discuss:

  • The unique waste management challenges faced by Arctic cities.
  • The serious health and environmental consequences of improper waste disposal.
  • Real-world best practices for improving waste management.

This event is free and open to everyone, but registration is required. For questions or to request accessibility accommodations, contact Elizabeth Hanlon (

Amy Perlmutter
Perlmutter Associates

113 Richdale Ave #35 
Cambridge, MA 02140

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