ZWAC Show 12/12/23 Human Composting with Recompose | Zoom Link

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Bonnie Betts

Nov 29, 2023, 3:28:23 PM11/29/23
to GreenYes
ZWAC Show December 2023 (Instagram Post).png

Please save the zoom link below in your calendar for December 12th @ 5:30 PM (Pacific Time). Or you can refer to your original Zoom confirmation email to save the recurring event to your calendar. 

Next month we will discuss with Katrina Spade of Recompose human composting as a new burial option. How is it currently working out in the state of Washington? What can we expect once it takes effect in California come 2027?

As always, we will have our Recycling Pioneers interview segment with Susan Kinsella at 5:30 PM and interview with Katrina Spade at 6 PM  (Pacific Time).

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ZWAC Show December 2023 (Instagram Post) (1).png

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