Webinar: Compost Marketing MethodsTuesday, April 09, 2024 - 10 am Pacific 🌱 Dr. Brown, a Research Professor at the University of Washington, is a distinguished expert in the field of urban residuals, particularly municipal biosolids, composts, and digestates from solid waste. Her extensive research delves into the climate impacts of these materials, making her a valuable resource for understanding the environmental footprint of composting practices. Notably, Dr. Brown played a pivotal role in developing and refining the BEAM model, a tool crucial for assessing the climate impacts of biosolids processing and end-use. Her expertise extends to evaluating the end-use impacts of food scraps, which is pertinent for marketers seeking to understand the broader environmental implications of composting. With her prolific publication record, including co-edited books on urban agriculture, and her involvement in disseminating research through platforms like Biocycle magazine, Dr. Brown brings invaluable insights to the marketing strategies of composting initiatives. Additionally, her active participation in USDA committees further underscores her relevance to discussions on compost marketing, offering a comprehensive perspective on sustainable and innovative agricultural practices. 📊 Learn firsthand effective marketing strategies tailored for small and regional-scale composting operations from industry experts. 🔍 Discover practical tips to promote compost locally, forge partnerships with businesses, and enhance your online presence for increased visibility. 🌏 Connect with like-minded composting professionals, share experiences, and build valuable connections to elevate your composting game! #COOLNow #CompostMarketing #ExpertInsights #CoolApr2024 Register Now! Learn more about this free virtual meeting on COOLNow: If composting is as important to you as it is to us, please like and share this post with like-minded friends and allies! See you on April 9th! Brought to you by COOLNow, Short link - Register now: http://bit.ly/Apr-2024-COOLNow Brought to you by COOLNow, Short link - Register now: https://bit.ly/Jan-2024-Compost |
Chris Sparnicht, MLA, ZWA
COOLNow Program Manager
ch...@zerowasteusa.org (forward)
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