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COOLNow - Webinar: Compost Marketing Methods - April 9

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Mar 28, 2024, 4:03:42 PM3/28/24
to GreenYes digest subscribers, Zero Waste San Diego, ZWIA

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Webinar: Compost Marketing Methods

Tuesday, April 09, 2024 - 10 am Pacific

💼 Connecting the people who need compost with the pros who create it might be a link in your system that is worth learning more about... There are many creative ways to engage your compost clients. Join us on April 9th at 10am Pacific for "Compost Marketing Methods" with Gary Gittere and Dr. Sally Brown.

Sally Brown, a Research Professor at the University of Washington, specializes in studying the climate impacts of urban residuals like biosolids, composts, and digestates. She co-developed the BEAM model for assessing biosolids' climate effects, utilized by governments and updated for New York City's program. Sally's expertise extends to evaluating food scraps' end-use impacts for municipalities and serving on committees like the Soil Science Society of America and USDA's Urban and Innovative Agriculture Committee. A prolific writer, she contributes to Biocycle magazine and curates a global research library on municipal biosolids and organics.

Gary Gittere, a seasoned sales management professional, has a proven track record of driving sales growth and profitability across diverse industries. As a key figure at McGill Environmental Systems, he leads marketing efforts for their premium compost products. With expertise in business-to-business, and business-to-consumer sales, distributor management, and strategic marketing, Gittere excels in promoting compost solutions to municipalities, industrial clients, and homeowners alike. His efforts contribute to McGill's reputation for high-quality compost and sustainable waste management solutions.

We hope to see you there!

#COOLNow #CompostMarketing #ExpertInsights #CoolApr2024

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If composting is as important to you as it is to us, please like and share this post with like-minded friends and allies! See you on April 9th! 

Brought to you by COOLNow,
a program of Zero Waste USA. 

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Brought to you by COOLNow,
a program of Zero Waste USA.

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Chris Sparnicht, MLA, ZWA

COOLNow Program Manager (forward) |

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