Webinar: State of the Art of Organics Management🌎💚 Join us on July 9th at 10am Pacific for our exclusive webinar, State of the Art of Organics Management! 📅️ Learn from industry experts Nora Goldstein and Craig Coker as they discuss the latest innovations in compostable organics diversion from landfills to reduce methane emissions. #OrganicsManagement #Sustainability #COOLNow #COOLNowJuly2024 Register Now! If composting is as important to you as it is to us, please like and share this post with like-minded friends and allies! See you on July 9th! Learn more about this free virtual meeting on COOLNow:
Brought to you by COOLNow, Short link - Register now: https://bit.ly/coolnow-july-2024 |
Chris Sparnicht, MLA, ZWA
COOLNow Program Manager
ch...@zerowasteusa.org (forward)
coolnow.org | zerowasteusa.org
@KCOOLNow or /KCOOLNow most social media