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Sangamon Watershed Celebration -- June 17 and 18

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Steve John

Jun 4, 2011, 5:40:33 PM6/4/11

You are cordially invited to AWI's annual Sangamon Watershed Celebration on June 17 and 18.  Co-sponsored by the City of Decatur, Community Environmental Council of Macon County, and Decatur Audubon Society.

Friday, June 17, Decatur Civic Center – A reception starting at 6:00 pm will feature local food and a Barn Colony Artists art sale.  At 7:30 pm, there will be a concert by singer-songwriter-actor and hay farmer Tim Grimm.  Tim's newest CD and the theme for this year's Celebration is Farm Songs. 

Cost of the Friday reception and concert is $15 in advance; $20 at the door.  We are not printing tickets. To make a reservation, simply send me an e-mail or call us at 217-877-5640.  Tell us your name and how many people will attend.  We will put you on the reservation list and you can pay the advance price at the door. 

Saturday, June 18, 10:00 am, Rock Springs Nature Center – Dr. Susan Rupp, South Dakota State University, co-chair of the America’s Grasslands Conference, will speak on the topic, “Going Green: Can Wildlife and Biofuels Be Compatible?”  This presentation is free.  No tickets or advance registration required.

In keeping with AWI's tradition of facilitating constructive dialogue among watershed stakeholders, this event is a great opportunity for farmers, conservationists, and everyone interested in sustainability to share perspectives and learn from one another.  Dr. Rupp's research interests include economic and biological effects of using warm season perennial grasses for bioenergy.  This important and timely topic is related to AWI's Local Bioenergy Initiative, a collaborative project to grow native prairie grasses for wildlife, water quality, and renewable energy. 

For more information about the Sangamon Watershed Celebration and AWI's work, visit our website -- www.agwatershed.orgPlease feel free to call or e-mail me with questions or to make reservations for the Friday evening reception and concert.


Steve John
Executive Director
Agricultural Watershed Institute
Decatur, Illinois
217-877-5640 - office
217-620-0300 - cell
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