GWT 1.5 Milestone 1 now available for download

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Bruce Johnson

Mar 6, 2008, 2:48:53 PM3/6/08
to, Google Web Toolkit Contributors
Hi everybody,

GWT 1.5 isn't finished yet, but it is starting to get close. I'm happy to report that the first milestone build of GWT 1.5 is now available:

(Note the odd version number of 0.0.2030 to help make it obvious that you shouldn't use it for anything important.)

For milestone builds like this, please understand that there are still known problems, and it is use-at-your-own-risk. It *definitely* isn't ready for production use. For example, this milestone build is missing release notes, and it doesn't include the developer guide documentation. So, you should expect some trial and error getting everything to work.

Are your expectations low enough yet? Well, I also have some good news about what's included in this milestone:
  • The Java 1.5 syntax is fully supported, including generics, enums, nice "for" loops, autoboxing, static imports, annotations, and so on
  • Support for generics in RPC (no more @gwt.typeArgs!)
  • The ability to subclass JavaScriptObject for very straightforward JavaScript interop
  • Standards mode is now supported by the UI library (though there may be a few remaining bugs)
There are lots of other neat things in there if you dig a little. You can see details in the issue tracker, or if you're really interested (or really bored), you can browse the commit logs.

Things to be aware of that may trip you up:
  • GWT 1.5 requires Java 5 or later
  • The compiler output now goes into a subdirectory (e.g. ".../std" or ".../xs", depending on your linker settings)
  • To encourage people to start using annotations and generics instead of the javadoc metadata, you'll see warnings about uses of old-style metadata such as @gwt.typeArgs; it is intentionally annoying :-)
  • The benchmark classes have moved into a separate package; should be easily fixable using your IDE's auto-import fixup
  • As a performance improvement, widgets now often call DOM.sinkEvents() lazily, when listeners are actually added rather than in the constructor. Sometimes, widget subclasses implicitly depend on the set of events sunk in the superclass' constructor. Consequently, if you are overriding onBrowserEvent() in a widget subclass and certain events mysteriously stop firing, you should explicitly call DOM.sinkEvents() in your subclass constructor for the events you depend on (don't worry, sinking an event more than once has no effect). If the preceding sentences made no sense at all to you, then you shouldn't be affected.
We really hope you'll try it out, and we 're eager to see what you think so far. Please report bugs in the issue tracker, and discuss it in the contributors forum.


-- Bruce, on behalf of the GWT team


Mar 6, 2008, 11:19:32 PM3/6/08
to Google Web Toolkit

On Mar 6, 2:48 pm, "Bruce Johnson" <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> GWT 1.5 isn't finished yet, but it is starting to get close. I'm happy to
> report that the first milestone build of GWT 1.5 is now available:
> (Note the odd version number of 0.0.2030 to help make it obvious that you
> shouldn't use it for anything important.)
> For milestone builds like this, please understand that there are still known
> problems, and it is use-at-your-own-risk. It *definitely* isn't ready for
> production use. For example, this milestone build is missing release notes,
> and it doesn't include the developer guide documentation. So, you should
> expect some trial and error getting everything to work.
> Are your expectations low enough yet? Well, I also have some good news about
> what's included in this milestone:
> - The Java 1.5 syntax is fully supported, including generics, enums,
> nice "for" loops, autoboxing, static imports, annotations, and so on
> - Support for generics in RPC (no more @gwt.typeArgs!)
> - The ability to subclass
> JavaScriptObject<>for
> very straightforward JavaScript interop
> - Standards mode is now supported by the UI library (though there may
> be a few remaining bugs)
> There are lots of other neat things in there if you dig a little. You can
> see details<>in
> the issue tracker, or if you're really interested (or really bored),
> you
> can browse the commit
> logs<>
> .
> Things to be aware of that may trip you up:
> - GWT 1.5 requires Java 5 or later
> - The compiler output now goes into a subdirectory (e.g. ".../std" or
> ".../xs", depending on your linker
> settings<>
> )
> - To encourage people to start using annotations and generics instead
> of the javadoc metadata, you'll see warnings about uses of old-style
> metadata such as @gwt.typeArgs; it is intentionally annoying :-)
> - The benchmark classes have moved into a separate package; should be
> easily fixable using your IDE's auto-import fixup
> - As a performance improvement, widgets now often call DOM.sinkEvents()
> lazily, when listeners are actually added rather than in the constructor.
> Sometimes, widget subclasses implicitly depend on the set of events sunk in
> the superclass' constructor. Consequently, if you are overriding
> onBrowserEvent() in a widget subclass and certain events mysteriously stop
> firing, you should explicitly call DOM.sinkEvents() in your subclass
> constructor for the events you depend on (don't worry, sinking an event more
> than once has no effect). If the preceding sentences made no sense at all to
> you, then you shouldn't be affected.
> We really hope you'll try it out, and we 're eager to see what you think so
> far. Please report bugs in the issue
> tracker<>,
> and discuss it in the contributors
> forum<>
> .


Mar 7, 2008, 1:39:50 AM3/7/08
to Google Web Toolkit
great..time for test drive

On Mar 6, 11:48 am, "Bruce Johnson" <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> GWT 1.5 isn't finished yet, but it is starting to get close. I'm happy to
> report that the first milestone build of GWT 1.5 is now available:
> (Note the odd version number of 0.0.2030 to help make it obvious that you
> shouldn't use it for anything important.)
> For milestone builds like this, please understand that there are still known
> problems, and it is use-at-your-own-risk. It *definitely* isn't ready for
> production use. For example, this milestone build is missing release notes,
> and it doesn't include the developer guide documentation. So, you should
> expect some trial and error getting everything to work.
> Are your expectations low enough yet? Well, I also have some good news about
> what's included in this milestone:
> - The Java 1.5 syntax is fully supported, including generics, enums,
> nice "for" loops, autoboxing, static imports, annotations, and so on
> - Support for generics in RPC (no more @gwt.typeArgs!)
> - The ability to subclass
> JavaScriptObject<>for
> very straightforward JavaScript interop
> - Standards mode is now supported by the UI library (though there may
> be a few remaining bugs)
> There are lots of other neat things in there if you dig a little. You can
> see details<>in
> the issue tracker, or if you're really interested (or really bored),
> you
> can browse the commit
> logs<>
> .
> Things to be aware of that may trip you up:
> - GWT 1.5 requires Java 5 or later
> - The compiler output now goes into a subdirectory (e.g. ".../std" or
> ".../xs", depending on your linker
> settings<>
> )
> - To encourage people to start using annotations and generics instead
> of the javadoc metadata, you'll see warnings about uses of old-style
> metadata such as @gwt.typeArgs; it is intentionally annoying :-)
> - The benchmark classes have moved into a separate package; should be
> easily fixable using your IDE's auto-import fixup
> - As a performance improvement, widgets now often call DOM.sinkEvents()
> lazily, when listeners are actually added rather than in the constructor.
> Sometimes, widget subclasses implicitly depend on the set of events sunk in
> the superclass' constructor. Consequently, if you are overriding
> onBrowserEvent() in a widget subclass and certain events mysteriously stop
> firing, you should explicitly call DOM.sinkEvents() in your subclass
> constructor for the events you depend on (don't worry, sinking an event more
> than once has no effect). If the preceding sentences made no sense at all to
> you, then you shouldn't be affected.
> We really hope you'll try it out, and we 're eager to see what you think so
> far. Please report bugs in the issue
> tracker<>,
> and discuss it in the contributors
> forum<>
> .


Mar 7, 2008, 7:57:30 AM3/7/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Hi Bruce,

great work. A note though: You are only supporting JDK1.5.
We are busy making our production ready software using GWT
and since our customers can NOT upgrade tot 1.5 yet, is this
going to be an issue ?

I know that 1.4 is EOL at the end of this year, but we'll still have
running the old VM (so <1.5). (Think about their AppServers, some of
the customer
are still running IBM Websphere 5.1 or 6.0, which are not JDK 1.5
yet and trust me, upgrading their VM's is a lot of work (for them)).

What would be the solution on this ? Can I use the GWT1.5 binaries
with a 1.4 VM (for example if I use RetroTranslator).

Hope to hear from you soon.



Mar 7, 2008, 8:50:11 AM3/7/08
to Google Web Toolkit
There are still some unresolved (some serious) bugs, like #1741, which
possibly makes contents of your HTMLPanel go fishing.
So, don't switch your test platform just yet...


Mar 7, 2008, 10:44:53 AM3/7/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Hi Rockster,

You could use Java 5 to compile the client and whatever you want on
the server-side. You could, for example, instruct the Java 5 compiler
to output Java <1.4-compliant class files. Or, you could refrain from
Java 5 language features in your RPC and compile the server code using
Java <1.4 compiler. Or, implement the server-side independently from
the client, but this way you may have to come up with your own RPC
framework or use JSON.

Lots of options and you still can use Java 5 to develop the client.


Jeremy Cohen

Mar 7, 2008, 11:41:49 AM3/7/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Is OOPHM available already? If not, is there a target date / timeframe
for this functionality.


On Mar 6, 2:48 pm, "Bruce Johnson" <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> GWT 1.5 isn't finished yet, but it is starting to get close. I'm happy to
> report that the first milestone build of GWT 1.5 is now available:
> (Note the odd version number of 0.0.2030 to help make it obvious that you
> shouldn't use it for anything important.)
> For milestone builds like this, please understand that there are still known
> problems, and it is use-at-your-own-risk. It *definitely* isn't ready for
> production use. For example, this milestone build is missing release notes,
> and it doesn't include the developer guide documentation. So, you should
> expect some trial and error getting everything to work.
> Are your expectations low enough yet? Well, I also have some good news about
> what's included in this milestone:
> - The Java 1.5 syntax is fully supported, including generics, enums,
> nice "for" loops, autoboxing, static imports, annotations, and so on
> - Support for generics in RPC (no more @gwt.typeArgs!)
> - The ability to subclass
> JavaScriptObject<>for
> very straightforward JavaScript interop
> - Standards mode is now supported by the UI library (though there may
> be a few remaining bugs)
> There are lots of other neat things in there if you dig a little. You can
> see details<>in
> the issue tracker, or if you're really interested (or really bored),
> you
> can browse the commit
> logs<>
> .
> Things to be aware of that may trip you up:
> - GWT 1.5 requires Java 5 or later
> - The compiler output now goes into a subdirectory (e.g. ".../std" or
> ".../xs", depending on your linker
> settings<>
> )
> - To encourage people to start using annotations and generics instead
> of the javadoc metadata, you'll see warnings about uses of old-style
> metadata such as @gwt.typeArgs; it is intentionally annoying :-)
> - The benchmark classes have moved into a separate package; should be
> easily fixable using your IDE's auto-import fixup
> - As a performance improvement, widgets now often call DOM.sinkEvents()
> lazily, when listeners are actually added rather than in the constructor.
> Sometimes, widget subclasses implicitly depend on the set of events sunk in
> the superclass' constructor. Consequently, if you are overriding
> onBrowserEvent() in a widget subclass and certain events mysteriously stop
> firing, you should explicitly call DOM.sinkEvents() in your subclass
> constructor for the events you depend on (don't worry, sinking an event more
> than once has no effect). If the preceding sentences made no sense at all to
> you, then you shouldn't be affected.
> We really hope you'll try it out, and we 're eager to see what you think so
> far. Please report bugs in the issue
> tracker<>,
> and discuss it in the contributors
> forum<>
> .

Bruce Johnson

Mar 7, 2008, 12:54:50 PM3/7/08
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Jeremy Cohen <> wrote:

Is OOPHM available already? If not, is there a target date / timeframe
for this functionality.

OOPHM won't be in GWT 1.5, but we are making solid progress on it in parallel to finalizing 1.5. The post-1.5 development cycle that would include OOPHM is likely to be a lot shorter than the one we're starting to wrap up now. Those Java 5 tweaks took a while.

Mar 7, 2008, 9:16:37 PM3/7/08
to Google Web Toolkit
what is OOPHM ?

On Mar 7, 9:54 am, "Bruce Johnson" <> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Jeremy Cohen <>

Samyem Tuladhar

Mar 7, 2008, 11:40:22 PM3/7/08
to Google Web Toolkit
second that.. what is this OOPHM thing?

Ian Petersen

Mar 8, 2008, 12:48:37 AM3/8/08
OOPHM is Out-of-process Hosted Mode. I think one goal of OOPHM is to
allow choice of browser during development (so, for example, Windows
users could probably use Firefox for hosted mode as well as IE), it
will also allow the use of more up-to-date browsers (1.4's hosted mode
runs Mozilla 1.7.something on Linux), and it will allow you to use
whatever browser add-ons you like, such as the DOM Inspector, Flash,


Tired of pop-ups, security holes, and spyware?
Try Firefox:


Mar 8, 2008, 5:32:29 AM3/8/08
to Google Web Toolkit
I'd add to the list of things that may trip you up
- HTMLPanels no longer allow the same ID to be used more than once on
a page, if your application relied on this, you will need to rethink
your approach

Congrats on the milestone release though, very exciting! Just between
you and me we are using one of the trunk builds in a production
environment, but since that's considered bad practice you didn't hear
it from me :)



Mar 8, 2008, 3:43:56 PM3/8/08
to Google Web Toolkit

Congratulations for this first step to GWT 1.5. I migrated to this
version in my project because the use of Java 5 is important for me. I
had some problems that I solved. Here is my solutions. Hoping it will
help someone.

1/ under linux ubuntu 7.10 the GWT shell crashes with the following
JVM error message :
An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode, sharing)
# Problematic frame:
# C [] inflate_blocks_reset+0x2c

I solved this problem by using a more recent JVM (1.5.0_15).

2/ The compiler output is now in the new 'std' subdirectory. I am not
sure what I must include into my .war archive (J2EE application).
Currently I include the content of the 'std' directory.

3/ I had blank screen on my web page. I found that the script gwt.js
is not more generated by the gwt compiler. So in my main html page I
replaced it by xxx.nocache.js (xxx is the fully qualified name
corresponding to the .gwt.xml). Is it normal ?
I found also the GWT ext javascript must be placed in the <body> of
the html page instead of in the <meta> area.
Here is an extract of my html page :
<!-- gwt javascript -->
<script language="javascript"
<!-- gwtext javascript -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext/adapter/yui/yui-
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext/adapter/yui/ext-yui-
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext/ext-all.js"></script>
<!-- history support -->
<iframe id="__gwt_historyFrame" style="width:0;height:0;border:

Finally my application works fine with GWT 1.5 (milestone 1) and GWT
EXT 0.9.3
Do you have a road map of the next milestone for the GWT 1.5 version ?

I am waiting for the OOPHM too in order to use firebug (helpful for
css edition) and to switch to other navigators.


Bruce Johnson

Mar 8, 2008, 4:04:18 PM3/8/08
On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Sebastien <> wrote:
2/ The compiler output is now in the new 'std' subdirectory. I am not
sure what I must include into my .war archive (J2EE application).
Currently I include the content of the 'std' directory.

That's exactly the right thing to do. We'll be adding other types of linkers in the future, and you'll pick which set of output you want depending on your target deployment environment. For example, if you want a compiled module that can be included cross-site, your output will go into the "xs" subdirectory. When the Gadget linker is ready, you'll take the contents of the "gadget" subdir, and so on.


Mar 9, 2008, 12:49:36 AM3/9/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Very Great! thanks for your job!!!

I can transfer entity(ejb3 persistence) into GWT Client by step :

1. download the GWT 1.5 Milestone 1
2. download javax.persistence.* with class and source from sun web,
add Persistence.gwt.xml in package javax, such as :
<inherits name=""/>
<source path="client"/>
<source path="persistence"/>

then jar named ejb3_persistence4gwt.jar
3. In my GWT Project , include ejb3_persistence4gwt.jar

4. In my GWT Project ,create GWT Module for your Business
add <inherits name="javax.Persistence"/> in the Test.gwt.xml

5. create entity, such as :
package com.mycompany.project.client;

import javax.persistence.Column;

public class Customer implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String name ;
private int age;

public Customer(){

public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;

public String toString(){
return "name:"+getName()+ ",age:"+getAge();

oh , the Customer can use by GWT Widget. run is ok.

but GWT Development Shell Window log error , such as:

Errors in 'jar:file:/D:/workspaceBase/lib_src/ejb3-
Line 50: The import cannot be resolved
Line 51: The import java.util.regex cannot be resolved

how to ignore the log error?


Mar 9, 2008, 10:11:48 AM3/9/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Can I use now a annotation instead of javadoc gwt.typeArgs?


Mar 9, 2008, 10:14:51 AM3/9/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Sorry for this question. I'm a bit tired.


Mar 9, 2008, 11:04:02 PM3/9/08
to Google Web Toolkit

Of course, wo do not need javadoc gwt.typeArgs.

such as :

* This field is a Set that must always contain Strings.
* @gwt.typeArgs <xxxx.web.core.model.SelectItem>
private List selectList = new ArrayList();

be instead of
* This field is a Set that must always contain Strings.
private List<SelectItem> selectList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();

but , you should add jdk1.5.

On 3月9日, 下午10时14分, Toki <> wrote:
> Sorry for this question. I'm a bit tired.
> On Mar 9, 4:11 pm, Toki <> wrote:
> > Can I use now a annotation instead of javadoc gwt.typeArgs?- 隐藏被引用文字 -
> - 显示引用的文字 -


Mar 10, 2008, 12:00:03 PM3/10/08
to Google Web Toolkit

Do you plan to support generic (Java 5) in the AsyncCallback
interface ?
By this way we could specifiy the parameter type of the
onSuccess(Object) method :

interface AsyncCallback<T> {
void onSuccess(T o);
onFailure(java.lang.Throwable e);

This would enable the type checking and would avoid an useless cast


Jason Essington

Mar 10, 2008, 1:03:29 PM3/10/08
That's pretty much what the source looks like right now ...

public interface AsyncCallback<T> {

void onFailure(Throwable caught);

void onSuccess(T result);

imports and comments clipped for brevity



Mar 14, 2008, 1:36:49 PM3/14/08
to Google Web Toolkit
I'm new to GWT. Since our code is running Java 1.5 and the project
has some lead time on it I just pulled the 1.5 milestone.

I configured the project using projectCreator, applicationCreator, and
i18Creator. A soon as I started instantiating constant objects via
GWT.create() I got error messages.

Turns out the above sequence doesn't add <inherits
name=""/> to the <module> tag in the
[project].gwt.xml file that is generated. I found the fix on:

and after adding the missing <inherits> flag everything runs
swimmingly. Well, so far so good anyway.

Seems like i18Creator should add this item. Don't know if gwt 1.4 did
or not.


Mar 14, 2008, 9:18:30 PM3/14/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Can someone please comment on aibo's way of integrating ejb3 entities?
I'd like to know if this is feasible and what are the cons and pros?

Chris Marshall

Mar 15, 2008, 5:34:06 AM3/15/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Great work! Up and running with gwt 1.5 in a couple of hours - many

This is probably a Java 5 question, but I cannot work out the generic
syntax for callback of a List<Party> where the interface is:

public List<Party> listParties(String type) throws

and client call is:

server.listParties("Supplier", new AsyncCallback() <??????> {
public void onSuccess(List<Type>result) {

Forgive me if this question is too dumb for this august forum!


Mar 16, 2008, 9:36:52 AM3/16/08
to Google Web Toolkit
The type parameter of AsyncCallback must match the argument type for
onSuccess. In this case, your type parameter appears to be List<Type>,
so you'd write something like new AsyncCallback<List<Type>>() { public
void onSuccess(List<Type> result) {...}}


Mar 16, 2008, 5:59:02 PM3/16/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Hi everyone,

I just ported a complete Hibernate/JPA application (the hibernate4gwt
sample application, which is available for download) and
unfortunately, the example from aibo is too simple to be exhaustive.

In fact, you still cannot send EJB3 beans to the GWT client side in a
real world application. For the reasons mentioned here (http://,
sending collections, SQL dates or lazy loaded associations still

I will probably write a more complete article on EJB3 and GWT
integration, but the good news is there is only a few work to make
hibernate4gwt work with the GWT 1.5 first milestone (in fact, it
already works on my laptop, and I will problably publish it as a
"milestone" release this week), and using it, you will not need
Java1.4 DTO anymore.

Stay tuned !


Mar 19, 2008, 1:13:26 PM3/19/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Could someone clarify: how does GWT versions correlate with revision
numbers of svn trunk?

On Mar 6, 10:48 pm, "Bruce Johnson" <> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> GWT 1.5 isn't finished yet, but it is starting to get close. I'm happy to
> report that the first milestone build of GWT 1.5 is now available:
> (Note the odd version number of 0.0.2030 to help make it obvious that you
> shouldn't use it for anything important.)
> For milestone builds like this, please understand that there are still known
> problems, and it is use-at-your-own-risk. It *definitely* isn't ready for
> production use. For example, this milestone build is missing release notes,
> and it doesn't include the developer guide documentation. So, you should
> expect some trial and error getting everything to work.
> Are your expectations low enough yet? Well, I also have some good news about
> what's included in this milestone:
>    - The Java 1.5 syntax is fully supported, including generics, enums,
>    nice "for" loops, autoboxing, static imports, annotations, and so on
>    - Support for generics in RPC (no more @gwt.typeArgs!)
>    - The ability to subclass
> JavaScriptObject<>for
> very straightforward JavaScript interop
>    - Standards mode is now supported by the UI library (though there may
>    be a few remaining bugs)
> There are lots of other neat things in there if you dig a little. You can
> see details<>in
> the issue tracker, or if you're really interested (or really bored),
> you
> can browse the commit
> logs<>
> .
> Things to be aware of that may trip you up:
>    - GWT 1.5 requires Java 5 or later
>    - The compiler output now goes into a subdirectory (e.g. ".../std" or
>    ".../xs", depending on your linker
> settings<>
>    )
>    - To encourage people to start using annotations and generics instead
>    of the javadoc metadata, you'll see warnings about uses of old-style
>    metadata such as @gwt.typeArgs; it is intentionally annoying :-)
>    - The benchmark classes have moved into a separate package; should be
>    easily fixable using your IDE's auto-import fixup
>    - As a performance improvement, widgets now often call DOM.sinkEvents()
>    lazily, when listeners are actually added rather than in the constructor.
>    Sometimes, widget subclasses implicitly depend on the set of events sunk in
>    the superclass' constructor. Consequently, if you are overriding
>    onBrowserEvent() in a widget subclass and certain events mysteriously stop
>    firing, you should explicitly call DOM.sinkEvents() in your subclass
>    constructor for the events you depend on (don't worry, sinking an event more
>    than once has no effect). If the preceding sentences made no sense at all to
>    you, then you shouldn't be affected.
> We really hope you'll try it out, and we 're eager to see what you think so
> far. Please report bugs in the issue
> tracker<>,
> and discuss it in the contributors
> forum<>
> .

Ian Petersen

Mar 19, 2008, 1:32:21 PM3/19/08
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 1:13 PM, xfyre <> wrote:
> Could someone clarify: how does GWT versions correlate with revision
> numbers of svn trunk?

SVN revision numbers are like auto-generated primary keys in
databases--they're basically meaningless except as tokens you can give
to the computer to get certain information back--so there's no basis
on which to expect that they'd correlate with anything outside of the
repository. The only correlation between revision numbers and version
numbers is that they both get bigger as time passes. I _think_, in
the case of milestone builds, the version number ends up being
0.0.<SVN_revision>, but that's probably just a convenience and not
anything formal.

Can I ask why you asked?


Mar 19, 2008, 1:57:48 PM3/19/08
to Google Web Toolkit
On Mar 19, 8:32 pm, "Ian Petersen" <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 1:13 PM, xfyre <> wrote:
> >  Could someone clarify: how does GWT versions correlate with revision
> >  numbers of svn trunk?
> SVN revision numbers are like auto-generated primary keys in
> databases--they're basically meaningless except as tokens you can give
> to the computer to get certain information back--so there's no basis
> on which to expect that they'd correlate with anything outside of the
> repository.  The only correlation between revision numbers and version
> numbers is that they both get bigger as time passes.  I _think_, in
> the case of milestone builds, the version number ends up being
> 0.0.<SVN_revision>, but that's probably just a convenience and not
> anything formal.
> Can I ask why you asked?

I use my own set of GWT patches for my application to add some
critical functionality.
Because of the above I cannot use binary distributions.

I was quite happy with trunk revision until today I've realized that I
don't realize what exactly it represents :)
When I checkout svn/tags/1.4.62 I have source for release 1.4.62
(hopefully; btw, why it doesn't exist in svn/releases?)
I wasn't able to find any tags related to 1.5 in SVN repository, so
I'm just curious.

Ian Petersen

Mar 19, 2008, 2:07:01 PM3/19/08
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 1:57 PM, xfyre <> wrote:
> I use my own set of GWT patches for my application to add some
> critical functionality.
> Because of the above I cannot use binary distributions.
> I was quite happy with trunk revision until today I've realized that I
> don't realize what exactly it represents :)
> When I checkout svn/tags/1.4.62 I have source for release 1.4.62
> (hopefully; btw, why it doesn't exist in svn/releases?)
> I wasn't able to find any tags related to 1.5 in SVN repository, so
> I'm just curious.

GWT 1.5 Milestone 1 is revision 2030, I think. The 1.5 code hasn't
been tagged yet because it's just trunk until there's a release. If
there's a more detailed answer, you'd have to get it from a GWT

Bruce Johnson

Mar 19, 2008, 2:11:17 PM3/19/08
For milestones, it's 0.0.<svn-revision>.

For release candidates and releases, it's <major>.<minor>.<build>.


Dan Hopkins

Mar 20, 2008, 12:00:10 PM3/20/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Does anyone know what revision of the source this build is against? I
don't see a tag or release in the repo to match this release.



Mar 25, 2008, 10:00:48 AM3/25/08
to Google Web Toolkit
1.5 is great so far. The Java 5 support is really helpful. Thanks and
great job.

I was wondering if there are plans to graduate any items from the
incubator into the 1.5 rlse? I know there isn't a formal process yet
for moving from one project to the other, but some new widget items
have made some great progress. Will anything in the incubator even be
considered for 1.5 or is that definitely further down the road?


Bruce Johnson

Mar 25, 2008, 10:08:05 AM3/25/08
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 10:00 AM, mbracken <> wrote:

1.5 is great so far. The Java 5 support is really helpful.  Thanks and
great job.

Thanks. The second milestone should be available shortly, and that will have another round of neat stuff.
Will anything in the incubator even be
considered for 1.5 or is that definitely further down the road?

Nothing from the Incubator that I know of will be going into GWT 1.5, but a lot of it is quite usable as is, and most things in there will be very likely to be included in the release that follows 1.5.


Mar 26, 2008, 1:31:04 PM3/26/08
to Google Web Toolkit
I just tried out the 1.5 milestone and I got a bunch of compiler
errors from the GWT compiler when using the @Overrides annotation when
the method being annotated is overriding a method defined in an
interface. The "real" java 1.6 compiler no longer has an issue with
this. I'm fine if you say that we should only be compiling to java
1.5 levels, but just thought I'd bring it up since it's really quite
handy to be able to annotate interface implementations this way if you
refactor a lot.

On Mar 25, 10:08 am, "Bruce Johnson" <> wrote:

Bruce Johnson

Mar 26, 2008, 2:33:28 PM3/26/08
to, Scott Blum
Would you please add an issue for that? Maybe we can fix that somehow.


Mar 27, 2008, 10:41:33 AM3/27/08
to Google Web Toolkit


Mar 28, 2008, 12:14:39 PM3/28/08
to Google Web Toolkit
Bah..Stupid me. Had incubator page open and posted to that instead.
Here's the actual link if anyone's interested:

On Mar 27, 10:41 am, jhulford <> wrote:
> Thanks. The issue is here.

Sam Halliday

Apr 6, 2008, 3:41:26 PM4/6/08