Commitment regarding Jakarta

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Christian Hebert

May 3, 2023, 9:17:49 AM5/3/23
to GWT Users

I would like to know if there is any kind of commitment from the GWT project to move to Jakarta in a nearby future. We have over 50 apps, some larger than others, built with GWT, so this is very important to us. Moving away from GWT would be a huge amount of work.

Thanks in advance,


Colin Alworth

May 3, 2023, 9:25:03 AM5/3/23
to GWT Users
Several volunteer community members are indeed committed to this.

There was another recent discussion on this mailing list (just four topics down) that you can see at - I directed the user to the discussion on our issue tracker at - you might also be interested in the side discussion happening in a pull request at on specfics of how to achieve this painlessly.

Also as discussed in 9727, there is an early prototype deployed at with version 2.11.0-jakarta-SNAPSHOT that you are free to test.

If you or your company are interested in contributing, those are good places to offer your time or to otherwise assist the developers who are working on this. As an open source project with no real funding behind it, this will proceed at the pace of the community members who are able to engage and contribute.

Christian Hebert

May 4, 2023, 9:25:13 PM5/4/23
to GWT Users
Thanks Colin, I'll take a closer look at those links.

Have a nice day!

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