Download the release from the GWT web site:
As I mentioned in my blog post last month, we are launching this
Release Candidate build of Version 1.2 so that we can get bug reports
and feedback from all of you. We will follow up with the final 1.2
release in a few weeks once we have fixed all of the major issues that
you all find.
Let us know what you think!
Bret Taylor
Product Manager, Google Web Toolkit
My custom generators continue to work fine and generate same files as
before BUT now compiler says 'Unable to find recently generated type'
Was something changed in this area?
[ERROR] Uncaught exception escaped
java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
'my.nonAsync.remote.service.interface' (did you forget to inherit a
required module?)
at source for
at InstanceToCreateRemoteAsyncService.<init>(
some members of the freenode ##gwt channel have also noticed this
error, and it appears that the common bond is Idea.
I am building with ant and have no problems.
This could be a result of hosted mode optimizations, which use a
complex caching scheme. We'll need to look into this a bit more. Is
your generator available anywhere so that we can try to reproduce the
-- Bruce
Example EJB3 GWT apps?
It seems like the problem is not with generator but with compiler. It
happens when path to generated files contains spaces. By default IDEA
generates files in {user.home}/.IntelliJIdea60/system/gwt<some project
specific path> (it is path given to compiler) On Windows {user.home}
has good chances to contain spaces.
If to change idea.system.path property in
<IDEA_INSTALL_DIR>/bin/ file to any path without spaces
then everything works fine.
Please note that GWT 1.1 works fine with paths containing spaces.
Alex Tkachman
On Oct 31, 9:10 pm, wrote:
> ait wrote:
> > First bad news.
> > My custom generators continue to work fine and generate same files as
> > before BUT now compiler says 'Unable to find recently generated type'
> > Was something changed in this area?This could be a result of hosted mode optimizations, which use a
Please see my replay to Bruce about root of the problem and possible
workaround. Could you do me a favor and send link to this workaround to
the channel you mentioned?
Alex Tkachman
Thank you
I think that Luminari (one of the members of ##gwt on freenode) found
that creating a new module in IDEA and then moving the old code into
it solved the problem.
Check if your pathname to the GWT samples contains any spaces.
> I love you!
> -Brett
Same problem with spaces in my project directory name though I use
What did you do to solve your problem other than moving your workspace
to some other directory ?
I noticed that the new release doesn't gives support for JAVA 1.5.
So, I'd like to know when it will be avaiable, if it will be avaiable
in the final release, and so on.
El problema que tengo es que tengo clientes que me estan llamando por q
no se ve estas aplicaciones. Yo he compilado en una PC con sistema
operativo en español , mis clientes estan en ingles con browser
intenet explorer 6 ingles.
Espero que alguien me pueda ayudar.
He is in Peru working on a mini-GWT application that includes a sort of
forum and special exams for students. People are calling him and saying
that they can't see the application. He is compiling the application on
a PC with a Spanish operating system and his clients are using the
English version of Internet Explorer 6. He hopes that someone can help.