Fwd: Creating a Cruisecontrol configuration around a project using GWT

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Eric Ayers

Apr 20, 2008, 8:27:45 PM4/20/08
to Google Web Toolkit
The cruise control config files that we have are littered with some crud that is peculiar to google's environment and about half a dozen shell scripts, so I'm afraid that posting that would create more questions than it would answer.  But here is a general outline of what we do.  I'm posting it to the general list in hopes that others might chime in with their experiences:
The best advice I can give you for setting up a project build is to look at one of the projects on code.google.com:
- gwt-google-apis 
- gwt-api-interop
- google-web-toolkit-incubator
All of these are projects that use GWT as a library and we build from cruisecontrol at the top level and 'ant' build files to actual compile everything.  The ant build files are included in the subversion repository, but the Cruise \control files are not.  For Cruisecontrol, setup your project as follows:
Create a directory with the download of GWT you want to build against.  This directory you need to set as the ant property 'gwt.home'
You may also need a directory with the 'tools' directory from the GWT subversion respository (but I'm not certain you need this).  This directory you need to set as the ant property 'gwt.tools'
Now, look at the common.ant.xml file in one of the projects I mentioned.  It has rules for building and testing GWT projects.  You will probably need a copy of the direcory 'build-tools' in order to use all of the rules.  You can copy this from the GWT repository or use an Subversion 'external' refernece to pull it in if your project uses subversion.
Our cruise control configuration file does the following:
  - Refreshes the project code from SVN,
  - Pulls the latest version of the GWT ''tools' directory
  - builds the ant targets 'build' and 'test'
  - runs an artifactspublisher to pull down the 'dist' directory as well as the unit test reports.
Hope that helped,
On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 5:55 AM, denizstij <deni...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Eric,

Is it possible if you send me or (publish it in your blog) a sample
cruise control, CC,  build setup for gwt ? We want to use GWT for GUI
in our application and want to include it to our CC ?

Thanks lots, in advance

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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