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Informal GWT/J2CL call tomorrow

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Colin Alworth

Jun 4, 2020, 12:13:56 AM6/4/20
to GWT Contributors
Every few weeks, a group of us that chat regularly on gitter try to meet up and chat about what we're working on in the GWT/J2CL ecosystem. We're casting the net a bit wider this time, posting the invite here (albeit with short notice). If those goes well, we might formalize further.

This is meant to be a very informal discussion, no firm structure or purpose, but a few people have offered to present some specific things, and I've listed the times they hope to be around. We realize that timezones are a thing, and just running an "all-day" call isn't going to get people together, so the rough plan is to start at 3pm UTC, and at the top of every hour would be the best time to join for things to "start" (rather than having people join haphazardly, see no one is there, and just leave).

Starting around 3pm UTC: Dmitrii Tikhomirov/@treblereel - brainstorming on locale generation, lazy loading, and pruning code so that GWT2/J2CL can skip unused locales.

4pm UTC: Myself/@niloc132 - j2cl-maven-plugin 0.15-SNAPSHOT changes/improvements, some progress in typescript -> externs -> jsinterop codegen

When able to join: Frank Hossfeld/@FrankHossfeld - work on migrating gwt-user modules and getting ready for release.

11pm UTC: Miroslav Pokorny/@mP1 - tooling to make building emulation libraries easier, work on java.time, junit 4/5 asserts (I will probably not still be on by this point, we'll see how my evening goes).

I stress again that this is very informal, and if you have something you would like to talk about or ask about, you are very welcome to join.

Normally we're chatting in about j2cl specifically, and in for more general GWT topics.
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