Problem getting current price of brazilian stocks using =GOOGLEFINANCE([ticker])

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Eduardo Lazarine

Mar 29, 2018, 12:06:58 AM3/29/18
to Google Finance


I'm trying to use the formula =GOOGLEFINANCE("ITSA4")  to get ITSA4 current price in a single cell, but I get a "#N/A" instead of its price.
The detailed error states: "When evaluating GOOGLEFINANCE, the query for the symbol: 'ITSA4' returned no data".

This formula (which is supposed to display current price with a certain delay) is not working in Google Spreadsheets for any Brazilian stock (had already tried other common stock's  tickers and syntax (like =GOOGLEFINANCE("PETR4"), =GOOGLEFINANCE("VALE3"), etc.)

Also had tried to append BVMF (like =GOOGLEFINANCE("BVMF:ITSA4")), with no luck.

Curiously, if I type American stocks (let's say =GOOGLEFINANCE("AMZN")), it works.
And also, if I type =GOOGLEFINANCE("ITSA4","price","3/26/2018")it also works, but it brings a header like in a matrix formula with 2 columns - date/hour and price (doesn't fit in a single cell), and I can't get today's current price (it only works when the specified date is in the past - yesterday or before).

Seems like the problem is with the current price/ some Google Finance restriction or problem, not the command syntax...

I need to get the current price of brazilian's BVMF listed tickers in a single cell... isn't it possible anymore?

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance,


Denis Luiz

Jun 8, 2020, 1:45:59 PM6/8/20
to Google Finance
Hi Eduardo, The same happen on Me. Did you get some soluction to fix this issue. 

Alberto Cebukin

Jun 10, 2020, 1:49:14 PM6/10/20
to Google Finance
Hi guys, use the formula below that searches the stock price in 5 databases.

= IFERROR( IFERROR( IFERROR( IFERROR( IFERROR( IFERROR( IFERROR( GOOGLEFINANCE(A2); VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(IMPORTXML(""&A2&".sa"&"/history?p="&A2&".sa";"//tbody/tr[1]/td[6]");".";",")) ); INDEX(IMPORTHTML(CONCATENATE("";A2);"list";8);2;1) ); IMPORTXML(""&LOWER(A2);"//div[@title='Valor atual do ativo']/strong") ); IMPORTXML(""&LOWER(A2);"//div[@title='Valor atual do ativo']/strong") ); IMPORTXML(""&LOWER(A2)&"/";"//div[@class='value']/p") ); IMPORTXML(""&LOWER(B2)&"-"&LOWER(A2)&"/";"//div[@class='value']/p") ); "" )
Em quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2018 01:06:58 UTC-3, Eduardo Lazarine escreveu:

Eduardo Praciano

Jun 23, 2020, 11:24:53 AM6/23/20
to Google Finance
I have the same problem, anyone can help me, pls?

Em quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2018 01:06:58 UTC-3, Eduardo Lazarine escreveu:
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