Two Problems and a Question

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Da Boss

Jul 28, 2009, 2:46:19 PM7/28/09
to Google Calendar Users
I submitted essentially the same post an hour ago, but it hasn't
appeared, and I am concerned I will not get the assistance I would
like. Here goes again.

Problems: At work I share the boss' calendar and notate appointments,
etc., on both. Neither the "jump to date" nor "next event" features
work. Within the "next event" field is the , word "loading." Both
features are frozen. When I checked this at home, everything worked
fine. At work, we use IE8; at home, FF (don't recall version).
Anything I can do here at work?

Question: When I input a reminder, e-mail or pop-up, I can see they
come to me. Do they also appear on boss' calendar?

Thanks with regard to both issues.


Jul 28, 2009, 9:33:01 PM7/28/09
to Google Calendar Users
All members must be approved before messages are posted. Keep in mind
that I review all messages before they appear on the board. I'm sorry
for the delay.

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