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[Goodnews at your Fingertips Blogspot] Day 5: 4th Sunday of Advent, C

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Dec 18, 2015, 10:39:59 PM12/18/15

Obedience, the mark of a true Christian

Luke 1:39-44

The readings now seems to point us directly to Christmas - a Savior from Bethlehem to rule the world with justice and peace and a woman who is honored among all women because of the fruit in her womb.  And what is our response?

I will take it from the second reading.  We are molded to be obedient to erase the disobedience of our first parents.

It is not in the number of times we attend our masses or prayed our novenas; nor the number of times we went on processions or decorated images make us true Christians.  If we are not ready to obey God's will, all these religious practices come to naught.  The true mark of Christianity lies in our willingness to let go of all our desires to heed what God wants us to do in this world.

The models of obedience are Mary, Jesus, and Elizabeth.

Obedience is Mary uttering to the angel, "I am the handmaid of the Lord.  Let it be done to me as you say."  Mary also went in haste to assist her cousin Elizabeth.  Now the fruits of obedience are unfolding.

Obedience is Jesus demonstrating God's will.  He is the Good Shepherd who feeds his flock.  He rules the world with justice and peace.

Obedience is Elizabeth and John in her womb recognizing the presence of God and acknowledging his saving work.  Obedience is joy felt in being sensitive to the presence of Jesus.  Our lives are filled with true joy that can only be attained in following God's will.

Thus, obedience is uttering our first unconditional yes, living out God's will, and enjoying the fruits of obedience - justice, peace, and joy.

Posted By josephdream to Goodnews at your Fingertips Blogspot at 12/19/2015 04:39:00 AM
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