I can follow up with some letters to me from the Editor of the Maroon, and from the University, if needed.
1. Facebook about Sept 1 toLabor Day changed its programming.
3. marketplace went down at that moment
4. It is a service of the Chicago Maroon since 2016.
6. The Maroon has been taking since Labor Day for its College student computer-programmers to re-program
7. They are likely to take another week to finish and succeed.
8. The U of Chicago as an institution, University, and part of the community, has taken the disgraceful-to-Sid position that the UofC does not care about anything but its ... whatever; and does not care enough about the community to assign its professional IT people to work with the Chicago Maroon editor & staff to speed up the required reprogramming of
9. I recommend you email any U of Chicago administrator and let them know this is unacceptable to you, if that is how you feel.
In summary:
Hyde Park as a community has functioned extremely well with its use of Marketplace since it was co-founded by me in 1995. When it has been "down" ... everyone notices. Students don't find apartments easily. People who want to hire helpers can't easily do it. Etc Etc Etc
Thank you for allowing me to write the above!
Sid 773 643-716