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Re: [Gmail-Users] Does Google actually delete inactive accounts?

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Dec 27, 2012, 10:24:12 AM12/27/12
> So are accounts deleted right after 9 months or does it take longer?

I have not seen any evidence yet that Google actually deletes inactive
accounts. If they do, well, they aren't being used anymore so the
account-holders probably wouldn't even notice ... which may be why we
haven't heard about it.

> Does my
> inactive account that went inactive a few years ago (I forgot the username)
> still exist, undeleted?

I think the only way to find out is to try to access the account.


wqeqwe qwewqeqj

Jun 20, 2013, 8:05:18 AM6/20/13
I hate goolge for delete account When you don't have youse it after 1 year beacuse My account have been deleted for inactive When i did not youse it for a time and i want the account back And the worst part is that I NEVER CAN YOUSE THE SAME NAME AGAIN beacuse goolge deleted My account


Jun 20, 2013, 11:44:26 PM6/20/13
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 8:05 AM, wqeqwe qwewqeqj <> wrote:

I hate goolge for delete account When  you don't have youse it after 1 year beacuse My account have been deleted for inactive When i did not youse it for a time and i want the account back And the worst part is that I NEVER CAN YOUSE THE SAME  NAME AGAIN beacuse goolge deleted My account

I have never heard (before) about Google actually deleting an account due to inactivity.  It's been implied that they might, eventually, but I never saw documented evidence that they actually did.  More often, someone who hasn't used his account for a year has forgotten the password and can't login to it anymore, so they give up, thinking that it is gone.

By the way, I believe that "youse" does not mean what you think it does.  Neither does "goolge".


Marko Vukovic

Jun 21, 2013, 9:28:42 AM6/21/13
to gmail-users

Let me get this straight... You hate Google because you registered yourself an account, for free, thereby rendering it unusable to anybody else, and then you didn't use it for a whole year and now you are shouting at us because you want it back, possibly just to squat for another year!? 

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 2:05 PM, wqeqwe qwewqeqj <> wrote:
I hate goolge for delete account When  you don't have youse it after 1 year beacuse My account have been deleted for inactive When i did not youse it for a time and i want the account back And the worst part is that I NEVER CAN YOUSE THE SAME  NAME AGAIN beacuse goolge deleted My account

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Ray Lopez

Jul 26, 2013, 8:18:57 AM7/26/13
I believe this is correct advice by Andy.  I also believe neither Yahoo nor Hotmail actually delete inactive accounts, even if you have not logged in for almost a year or more.  In fact, for both services I have logged in after more than a year of inactivity, and gotten in no problem.  However, if the account is important to you, I would not risk doing this and instead simply log in every so often, in less than a year's time, and in the case of Gmail presently it is every 9 months or less.



Jul 26, 2013, 9:54:05 PM7/26/13
to [Gmail-Users]
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 8:18 AM, Ray Lopez <> wrote:

.  I also believe neither Yahoo nor Hotmail actually delete inactive accounts, even if you have not logged in for almost a year or more. 

Yahoo DOES delete all your emails if you don't log in after 3 months (or maybe it's 6 months).  Yes you can log in after this time, but all your messages will be gone forever; and any messages sent to you in the interim, will have bounced.  So it's OK if all you care about is having your username back.


Ray Lopez

Jul 27, 2013, 12:22:49 PM7/27/13
OK, you may be right.  I was only referring to having your Yahoo or Hotmail username back, not any emails sent to your Yahoo or Hotmail account during the one year that you were absent.


Atraf Creez

Oct 14, 2013, 5:07:34 AM10/14/13

On Thursday, December 27, 2012 11:55:25 AM UTC+2, tom anonymous wrote:
I've see here ( ) that Google "may" delete Gmail accounts that have been inactive for more than 9 months.
So are accounts deleted right after 9 months or does it take longer? Does my inactive account that went inactive a few years ago (I forgot the username) still exist, undeleted?
Everyone has his hobbies,while I don't play pc games, from time to time I make very wry and strange gmail accounts. Yahoo a long time ago discontinued unused email addresses so I deleted them and made all mine on gmail.
I have hundreds of very droll email addresses in good satire form but I see that the first few I used tonight are invalidated.....
maybe I'll have to start a hobby collecting $6 bills.... 

And a bonus question: Is the search history data collected on Gmail accounts eventually made anonymous (and removed from the account) like the search data from people who don't use Gmail?

tulk imhg

Oct 18, 2013, 3:06:59 AM10/18/13
I just connected to this old account, with no activity since maybe 26/11/2008, and for sure more than a year.
Still up !

Charlie Goodwin

Apr 28, 2014, 2:06:19 AM4/28/14
Hey my account got deleted because i stopped using it a while ago because i thought they needed a cell phone and i didn't want to give it to them because it was a privacy issue and now my steam account is linked to it from when i created it like 4 years ago and now probably close to 300 dollars worth of steam games i am unable to access because it was deleted...

Zack (Doc)

Apr 28, 2014, 8:08:11 AM4/28/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
I'm not following how this is Google's fault.  E-mail providers remove e-mail accounts for disuse, misuse, or accidents all the time.  You should be able to contact Steam support and tell them you no longer have access to the email associated with your account.  They should be able to easily verify that it's no longer active (send an e-mail, watch it bounce), and let you verify your account through other information in their system.

For more options, visit

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