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Heads Up: Downtime Weds 15th April - AM

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Apr 10, 2009, 6:00:51 AM4/10/09
to Geograph-API-Users
Geograph servers are moving to a new home next Wednesday, a brand new
data center with our hosting provider Fubra.

All API calls will return a small 503 responce.

Web pages will be a 307 redirect to a status page - itself a 503.

The full size images will not be available either - again 503s.

However most 120px thumbnails will continue to be served during this
time - so sites and search engines hotlinking the thumbnails should
still work. This is thanks to temporally hosting on Fubra servers.

Expect the downtime to start around 9am, and continue until mid-

Thank you for your patience, we'll try to keep downtime to a minimum.

Geograph Developer
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