Want a copy of the Geograph Archive?

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Jul 26, 2010, 6:54:19 AM7/26/10
to Geograph-API-Users
Just wondering if anyone is interested in having a copy of the whole
Geograph Archive?

Send me a 200GB+ drive and I'll send it back stuffed full of Geograph
Images (if you pay the postage).

(Alternatively I could buy drives and send them out - can get 250Gb
USB drives for about £40 - would probably charge £50 (total) per copy
to cover my costs)

I know we have/had the torrents, but they haven't been updated for a
while (for various reasons) and still going to use a lot of

This is probably a one time offer for the first 1.75M images, so after
than would have to update it via torrents anyway.



To be clear it's for the actual .jpg files - indexed by numerical id
in numbered folders.

I say the first 1.75M because I know for certain the local backup
contains them. By the time get round to copying will probably have

I will copy over the actual database too (text/grs etc), but that's
relatively small enough to download over the internet anyway.
(probably 100Mb)
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