I noticed in the API documentation that the default RSS search should
return 20 results, however in practice it seems to give 15. For
Is it possible to change the number to say 50 for a given api key, or
do I need to generate a search id each time and run multiple get
requests to pull down pages 1-5? The latter is easily done, but will
use more bandwidth and cpu time.
Something I've noticed whilst testing is that some searches seem to
not mind if either no or an invalid apikey is used, others do or
generate PHP errors. For example:
doesn't work (and gracefully gives an error), but:
does. However:
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /var/www/
geograph_live/libs/geograph/searchengine.class.php on line 448
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /var/www/geograph_live/libs/geograph/
searchengine.class.php:448) in /var/www/geograph_live/libs/geograph/
functions.inc.php on line 642
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /var/www/geograph_live/libs/geograph/
searchengine.class.php:448) in /var/www/geograph_live/libs/geograph/
functions.inc.php on line 643
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /var/www/geograph_live/libs/geograph/
searchengine.class.php:448) in /var/www/geograph_live/libs/geograph/
functions.inc.php on line 644
It doesn't affect me either way, but thought you might like to know :)
Many thanks