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Geograph Mashup Challenge

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Mar 11, 2010, 6:05:44 AM3/11/10
to Geograph-API-Users
[Should of mentioned this here before! Of course many of the existing
API users could enter. :-) ]


We are pleased to announce a developer challenge to build a cool
Mashup using Geograph Data/Photos. The closing date for entries is
11pm 31st March 2010.

The first prize is a Space Navigator, with 5 runner up prizes of a
Geograph key ring!
Judging will be by a panel of judges and possibly a user vote on a the
Challenge showcase web site (TBA).

The rules are simple:

Create a web site, mobile, or desktop application (or similar) that
uses Geograph data
The application must be available for free
Of course free to mashup the information with other sources (in fact
its encouraged!)
Welcome to submit multiple distinct mashups – but each needs to be
substantially different.
Other than let your imagination and ingenuity run wild.

Geograph will provide to all entrants:

Live API to search/download Photo data – includes hosting for
thumbnails only
(includes bespoke development at Developers discretion – will try to
provide to all that ask within resource constraints)
Static Dumps of pretty much the whole Geograph Database (mysql format)
Torrent Downloads of a sample of 250,000 images
Potentially help with hosting if you don’t have available (please
All confirmed mashups will be showcased/linked on the Challange

This is for Geograph British Isles, but if can incorporate Geograph
Germany data too, all the better – what data is available may vary.

For inspiration, offer up my pithy attempt:
Geograph Photos on a OpenSpace Map

Entry Form!

(note this is not sponsored by 3dconnexion – its entirely Geograph


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