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I just posted my GWT V3 alpha source

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Brandon Donnelson

Jan 8, 2012, 10:01:18 PM1/8/12
Here is my *Alpha* GWT Maps V3 API source and demo. 
- Nothing is frozen yet.
- Things will change.
- Its not polished yet. 
- I have much work still awaits, but currently its producing good results. - main source branch - demo

On my coding horizon:
- services classes
- demo I can apply selenium testing to 
- more... :)

I've decided just to go ahead and move it into the repository sooner than later even though it's not as far as I'd like. :)

Daniel Villar

Feb 24, 2012, 11:57:02 AM2/24/12
to Google API Libraries for GWT
Im trying it how it goes, because as I see is the mapsv3 api that is
moving in the last months, and I need it for my final project of the

For now I have problems to put it working with GWT-platform (still I
don't know why) but I hope I will manage...

Thank you!!


On 9 ene, 04:01, Brandon Donnelson <> wrote:
> Here is my *Alpha* GWT Maps V3 API source and demo.
> - Nothing is frozen yet.
> - Things will change.
> - Its not polished yet.
> - I have much work still awaits, but currently its producing good results.
> - main source branch
> demo

Daniel Villar

Feb 27, 2012, 9:10:57 AM2/27/12
to Google API Libraries for GWT

For now all fine!! I will try to use it more, but I have finally one
map instead of looots of errors, hehe.
I'm using finally this Maps V3 working with GWT 2.4 using GWT-platform
0.7 and GWT-2.4!

Thank you!!

Daniel Villar

Mar 14, 2012, 10:24:35 AM3/14/12
to Google API Libraries for GWT

Is there some way to search like in google maps (with autocomplete)
using this api?, I tried to use the geocoder, but is giving me an

Is there some example maybe?

Thank you in advance,

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Daniel Villar

Mar 15, 2012, 7:06:01 AM3/15/12
to Google API Libraries for GWT

Thx for the answer, I was reading this limits and yes, is not so much,

Then I will try only to ask when users want to, will be better :), if
the website is a success we will see, xD

Thank you!


On 15 mar, 01:46, Joseph R Lust <> wrote:
> Daniel,
> I think that will be hard to pull of since it will easily blow through both
> the geocoder rate limits and the daily quota. You could still try it, but
> would need to use a gwt timer to rate limit to a set amount of time (i.e.
> 400ms). I don't think there are any out of the box implementations, but
> with the geocoder, a custom textbox, and timer, you could pull it off,
> until your quota is blown.
> Sincerely,
> Joseph
> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
> Joseph R Lust
> (919) 355-8785
> > --
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