regarding fwds

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Sep 10, 2008, 12:47:32 AM9/10/08
to GMusers- GMail Beta & Beyond
i have been using gmail for more than 2 years now, by default for the
last 1 year it goes to the default new version,in this,when i send
fwds that have images in their attachments the people receiving do
not get any images
secondly even when i receive a mail written in text and a color font
when i fwd this mail,the font and color do not carry along
so what is the solution?

Zack (Doc)

Sep 10, 2008, 7:25:18 AM9/10/08
Sounds like you're composing in Plain Text (my preferred personally :)

You need to switch to Rich formatting to embed pictures and use colors
and fonts:

Note: When you first enable Rich formatting, the message you're in the
process of forwarding will not go back and pick up the formatting.
You should "Discard" that draft, then start the forward again, it
should have the fonts/pictures then.


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