Conversation view -- toggling messages

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Nov 3, 2008, 8:25:02 AM11/3/08
to GMusers- GMail Beta & Beyond
Hi, you know that messages can be toggled (show/hide) in the
conversation view, except for the last message. Is there any way to
toggle the last message?

If there's not, please consider this a suggestion. (In other words:
Please enable toggling the last message in a conversation.)

This is useful when you have a really big conversation and the last
message is very long, and you want to view the previous messages
without seeing the last one.

Thank you.

Zack (Doc)

Nov 3, 2008, 9:29:27 AM11/3/08
That's not currently an option (to collapse the most recent message),
but it's not a bad idea to suggest it. Since this is a user's group
we cannot act on your suggestion, but can support it, and suggest it
ourselves; adding to your voice.

Make sure you're using the official suggestion link (The last link on
the right, under "More resources" when you click on "Help" at the top
of your GMail page) so it goes to the right people.


Norman Mailer - "Any war that requires the suspension of reason as a
necessity for support is a bad war."

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