FTP-MD: Meeting 7:30 this evening; Biden's speech critiqued

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Charlie Cooper

Jan 8, 2024, 8:58:47 AMJan 8
to Betsy Krieger, Jennifer Downs, d. susan radke, Max Obuszewski, Larry Stafford, Danny Golombek, Rose Deane Kinder, Victoria Vestrich, Thomas K. Smith, Jean Athey, Emily Bruce, Cristi Demnowicz, carl snowden, Jacob Kravetz, barrie friedland, State Organizer Hal Ginsberg, Michelle Koul, Nancy Lawler, CHARLES SHAFER, gmom-vo...@googlegroups.com, Arlene Ogurick, Joanne Antoine, Shayne Dizard, Barbara Noveau, Barbara Noveau, Cecilia Plante, Daphne, car...@ourrevolution.com, Sheila Ruth, Argentine Craig, Ben Tabatabai, Nabalungi (Naba) Akinshegin, Mj Monck, Christine Lemyze, Mark Weaver, Indivisible Montgomery, Marvin Doc Cheatham, Anaya Smith, Michael Puskar, - Lennart Elmlund, Joan Bellet Roache, indivisibleworcestermd.org, Stephanie Gregory, EDEN DURBIN, Ernesto Villaseñor, Susan Zengerle, aileen alex, MD Legislative Coalition, Toby Perkins, Richard and Joann MOORE, Allies for Democracy, rrei...@gmail.com, Carol Goldstein, Judy Bass, Anne George, Joan Jacobson, Sarah Bur, Gary Gillespie, Emily Scarr, Judith Schagrin, R Coleman, Debra Brown Felser, Kobi Little, vhar...@commoncause.org, brian gamble, Sharon Glass, Elizabeth Getzoff, Michael Rosenblum, Lillian Lillian Freudenberger, Jay Steinmetz, Paulette Hammond, Tony Langbehn, Liz Enagonio, Meena Sahu, Julia Ridgely, Carol Wynne, Lsfran...@gmail.com, Janet Millenson, Nikki Tyree, con...@lwvbaltimorecounty.org, Chris Tallent, Mary Jo Kirschman, Sue Fothergill, tan...@his.com, tri...@comcast.net

 January 8, 2024

Colleagues: Join our teleconference today, January 8, 7:30 pm. We will be planning for meetings with David Moon, the House Majority Leader, and Jheanelle Wilkins, Vice Chair of House Ways and Means. -- Charlie

SCOTUS set to act on Trump disqualification case

On February 8, the Supreme Court, with three Trump-appointed justices, will hear oral argument on Trump's appeal of a ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court that he is ineligible to serve as President, and, thus ineligible to appear on the Colorado presidential primary ballot. We hope the Court will broadly decide the issue of whether Trump is qualified to hold office and not rest on some procedural matter or technicality.

Donald Trump predicted "big trouble" if the Supreme Court does not rule in his favor in his appeal of the Colorado case. “'I just hope we get fair treatment,' Trump said at an Iowa rally Friday. 'Because if we don’t, our country’s in big, big trouble. Does everybody understand what I’m saying?'”

Donald Trump at a rally in Nevada. Getty Images/Justin Sullivan via TheMessenger.com

Clarence Thomas took no part in the decision to refuse to hear an appeal by Trump advisor John Eastman of an order to release correspondence. Eastman was Thomas's law clerk at one time. Democratic officials have demanded that Thomas recuse in the Colorado case because his wife Ginni participated in efforts to allege fraud and to keep Trump in office in the wake of the 2020 election.

Hal Ginsberg and I discussed the efforts to remove Trump from various state ballots under section 3 of the 14th Amendment on this Halitics podcast.

Nationwide tracker of 14.3 cases.


Biden speech disappoints

On January 6, President Biden gave a campaign speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, seeking to link his quest for a second term with the Revolutionary War fight for independence from monarchy. His theme was that Trump represents a dangerous threat to democracy. Those of us who are actively organizing and advocating for specific democratic reforms were disappointed with a performance that was 100% rhetoric. He did not mention much-needed legislation pending in Congress such as the Freedom to Vote Act, John R. Lewis Act, DC Statehood, three bills on Supreme Court Reform, or Constitutional Amendment resolutions to guarantee the right to vote and overturn Citizens United v. FEC. He did not make a connection between the corruption of big money in elections and the economic woes of middle- and working-class families.

Biden announced none of the following action steps that 260 national organizations have been asking him to take:

  • Aggressively implement his existing order on integrating voting rights into federal departmental operations.
  • Direct the U.S. Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to determine the frequency and amount of foreign money that is directly or indirectly spent in connection with U.S. elections.
  • Direct the U.S. Department of Justice to utilize the forthcoming beneficial ownership database to investigate cases of corruption and foreign money laundering.
  • Urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to begin a rulemaking process requiring public corporations to disclose the full extent of their lobbying activities and expenditures.



Fair Fight: A federal judge vigorously criticized the tactics of True The Vote (TTV), a right-wing organization that has challenged the registration of 364,000 Georgia voters. He stated:
"TTV’s approach to list maintenance 'utterly lacked reliability' and 'verges on recklessness.'” However, he did not find that the challenges constituted illegal voter intimidation under the federal Voting Rights Act. Fair Fight, the voting rights organization founded by Stacey Abrams, vows to continue to challenge TTV's voter suppression tactics by other means.

The Nevada Independent: Nevada GOP dissuades Trump from registering for primary. Election denialism has led to suspicion of the primary election process among party leaders, some of whom are under indictment for the fake elector scheme. “…. the state [Republican] party warned presidential campaigns that if it saw their candidates’ names on the primary ballot, those candidates would be ineligible to participate in and receive delegates from the caucus.”


GMOM and For the People -- Maryland teleconference

Meeting Monday, January 8, 2024, 7:30 pm


2 ways to join
1) Dial 1 301 715 8592, meeting ID: 931 3066 2622. Password: 173976.
2) Click on your device if you have downloaded the app from Zoom.

Meeting Agenda - A bill to bar ineligible candidates from the ballot plus upcoming actions in Maryland and DC.





Onward together,

Charlie Cooper

Get Money Out - Maryland · Baltimore, MD 21209, United States
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