FTP-MD: 14 years of Citizens United

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Charlie Cooper

Jan 21, 2024, 3:52:21 PMJan 21
to Betsy Krieger, Jennifer Downs, d. susan radke, Max Obuszewski, Larry Stafford, Danny Golombek, Rose Deane Kinder, Victoria Vestrich, Thomas K. Smith, Jean Athey, Emily Bruce, Cristi Demnowicz, carl snowden, Jacob Kravetz, barrie friedland, State Organizer Hal Ginsberg, Michelle Koul, Nancy Lawler, CHARLES SHAFER, gmom-vo...@googlegroups.com, Arlene Ogurick, Joanne Antoine, Shayne Dizard, Barbara Noveau, Barbara Noveau, Cecilia Plante, Daphne, car...@ourrevolution.com, Sheila Ruth, Argentine Craig, Ben Tabatabai, Nabalungi (Naba) Akinshegin, Mj Monck, Christine Lemyze, Mark Weaver, Indivisible Montgomery, Marvin Doc Cheatham, Anaya Smith, Michael Puskar, - Lennart Elmlund, Joan Bellet Roache, indivisibleworcestermd.org, Stephanie Gregory, EDEN DURBIN, Ernesto Villaseñor, Susan Zengerle, aileen alex, MD Legislative Coalition, Toby Perkins, Richard and Joann MOORE, Allies for Democracy, rrei...@gmail.com, Carol Goldstein, Judy Bass, Anne George, Joan Jacobson, Sarah Bur, Gary Gillespie, Emily Scarr, Judith Schagrin, R Coleman, Debra Brown Felser, Kobi Little, vhar...@commoncause.org, brian gamble, Sharon Glass, Elizabeth Getzoff, Michael Rosenblum, Lillian Lillian Freudenberger, Jay Steinmetz, Paulette Hammond, Tony Langbehn, Liz Enagonio, Meena Sahu, Julia Ridgely, Carol Wynne, Lsfran...@gmail.com, Janet Millenson, Nikki Tyree, con...@lwvbaltimorecounty.org, Chris Tallent, Mary Jo Kirschman, Sue Fothergill, tan...@his.com


January 21, 2024


Our next teleconference will be at 7:30 pm on Monday, January 29. I hope to talk with you then.

14 years since Citizens United and 48 years since Buckley v. Valeo

Today marks 14 years since the fateful decision in Citizens United v. FEC, the  5-4 disaster in which the Supreme Court held that corporations [both for profit and nonprofit] have a First Amendment right to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections. It was the climax of a line of billionaire-friendly cases on money in politics, that started with Buckley v Valeo in January of 1976.
Our ally Move to Amend reviews these cases and explains why "overturning Citizens United" is an incomplete solution to the nations' affliction of big money in politics. Get Money Out -- Maryland has always advocated for a three-part comprehensive Constitutional amendment for strengthening our democracy that has been weakened so severely by the corrosive influence of big money:
  • Creation of an affirmative right to vote for every U.S. adult citizen.
  • Reservation of Constitutional rights to human beings. Constitutional rights should not apply to corporations or any other form of artificial entity.
  • Regulation of big money in politics at the federal and state levels.



GMOM and For the People -- Maryland teleconference

Meeting Monday, January 29, 2024, 7:30 pm


2 ways to join
1) Dial 1 301 715 8592, meeting ID: 931 3066 2622. Password: 173976.
2) Click on your device if you have downloaded the app from Zoom.

Meeting Agenda - Preparation for our Feb. 7 meeting with Jheanelle Wilkins, Vice Chair of the House of Delegates Ways & Means Committee.





Onward together,

Charlie Cooper

Get Money Out - Maryland · Baltimore, MD 21209, United States
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