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CAD Camp in St. Louis on June 21st

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May 26, 2011, 3:57:26 PM5/26/11
to Gateway Autodesk Users Group
AUGI CAD Camp will be in St. Louis on June 21, 2011.

Your camp will be held at:
ITT Tech - Arnold
1930 Meyer Drury Drive
Arnold, MO, USA, 63010

AUGI member: $195 (Not a member? Sign up today.)
Student Registration: $125 (must present current student ID upon check-
in at registration)

Looks like attending the camp will get you access to product
certification prep materials, and a discount on the autodesk
professional certification exam (not sure how much of a discount).

I'm sure I'll be there, come up and say 'hi' if you're there.


Jun 9, 2011, 1:24:16 PM6/9/11
to Gateway Autodesk Users Group
I'm sorry, but, it looks like this event may have been canceled due to
low registration numbers.
I am still waiting to hear back with an official confirmation from the
company running the event, but, as the date (as well as the KC event)
has been removed from their website, I think it might be a safe

Thanks to Ameet and Brian for the head's up.

On May 26, 2:57 pm, MistressOfTheDorkness
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