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[Gateway AUG] $30 for your opinions on AutoCAD array command

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May 11, 2010, 4:31:05 PM5/11/10
to Gateway Autodesk Users Group
Autodesk is looking for participants for a remote study on AutoCAD
Who Are We Looking For?

General AutoCAD users of any discipline (latest release or older
versions of AutoCAD), who are familiar with the Array command and use
grips to edit their drawings.

Optional/additional requirements:

· Users that are familiar with parametric drawing (geometric
and dimensional constraints in AutoCAD)

· Users familiar with 3D

· Familiar with the DIVIDE and MEASURE commands.


We are planning to conduct this study on May 19-21 (we will conduct 8


We will be sending you a $30 Amazon Gift Certificate as a token of
thanks for the 60 min remote session.

How to Participate?

All sessions are remote, via the GoToMeeting/phone.

If you are interested in participating, please check all times that
you are available (Pacific Time, USA):


AutoCAD Product Design&Usability Team

(Contact: Elena.

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Jun 10, 2010, 4:15:28 PM6/10/10
to Gateway Autodesk Users Group
another study with compensation...

Dear AutoCAD User,

The AutoCAD Product Design & Usability Team is looking for
participants for a research study.
This study focuses on how users currently incorporate Point Cloud
files into their work.

Who are we looking for?
People working with both CAD software and Point Cloud files (e.g. from
laser scans, etc.).

How does it work?
The 1-hour remote session involves answering some questions about how
you currently use Point Cloud files with your design work, as well as
being observed while working with these Point Cloud files.

You will work 1-1 with a facilitator using Web meeting software and
the phone. You will receive a $30 gift certificate as a
thank-you for your time. This is a chance to give some input into
future directions for CAD software and is usually a lot of fun!

When is the study?
We are planning this study for the week of June 21 to 25, 2010.

How do I sign up?
To sign up, please fill out the following survey:

Please submit the survey as soon as possible if you would be willing
to participate – our sessions fill up quickly.

AutoCAD Product Design& User Experience Team
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