New Version of FTS

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Oct 7, 2007, 11:06:44 PM10/7/07
to Full Tilt Shortcuts
New Version 1.50 10/7/07

1. FTS now works with any table size (up to a width of 849 pixels).
You can specify just the width (e.g. 800), and FTS will set the height
to the same aspect ratio that Full Tilt would create. Or you can set
both the width and the height to make any size you like (e.g.
640x400). Because the software uses image recognition for a few items,
you will need to select the stack font and the button images to use.
These are listed based on table widths. See the web documentation for
full details.
2. Fixed the Post blind images for small table sizes for Win XP.
3. Improved the close dialog routines so most users should not need to
use the "image recognition" option. If you have CHECKED the checkbox
"Close these dialog boxes using image recognition" at the bottom right
of the Dialogs tab, try unchecking it for improved performance. Most
users should be able to leave this box UNCHECKED.
4. Improved the dialog box routines so that you should not loose focus
from your active table when a dialog box pops up. (You will lose focus
when during auto-reloads, as the software has to click the "Get Chips"
button on the table).
5. Fixed problem with Manual Reload with the "sitting out" checkbox
checked on the chips tab.
6. The "Key to Toggle above Option On/Off" on SnG B tab will now also
work if the Full Tilt Shortcuts window is active.
7. Removed the "Auto-Close SnG and Tournament Lobbies" feature as it
was not reliable.

Download zip:
Download self extracting .exe:
Documentation is here:

Oct 9, 2007, 5:32:14 AM10/9/07
to Full Tilt Shortcuts
New Version 1.52 10/9/07

1. Changed the way Nano Notes are opened in two more places in the
code, so that they will open if the table is at the right edge of your
2. Changed the code for the "Auto-Close Lobbies" problem. It now
delays closing SnG lobbies until the related table has been open for
1.5 seconds. Use this option with caution, as it has not been fully
tested to be sure it is working correctly yet.

Download zip:
Download self extracting .exe:

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