Re: [FOTM:3477] Recovery Vietnam

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Gurpreet Gudail

Jun 28, 2016, 9:51:21 AM6/28/16

You may as well throw your money I  the bin now

On 28 Jun 2016 14:49, "Steffen Ipland" <> wrote:

Dear all friends of Thamkrabok Monastery. Did you know that there are no professional drug and alcohol treatments in Vietnam! At the same time, there is an alarming increase of young addicts. 


When I visited Thamkrabok in 2000 I promised Ms. Ramphai to set up a combination of after-care and skill training and assist clients in work in Thailand.

When I came back to Denmark, I got the opportunity in collaboration with Kofoed's School, to test the model on Danish welfare recipients with a dual diagnosis (mental illness and substance abuse). They came out the social assistance system and became self-supporting. It was a great success.


Now I got a chance to corporate with a Danish Ngo in Vietnam. It would be great to give this program to addicted Vietnamese adults. Forward is a combination of professional addiction treatment, psychotherapy, social behavioral therapy, and vocational clarification. It is a program designed to provide long-term abstinence from drugs and alcohol using a wide variety of techniques, including problem solving, insight-oriented psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and peer support.


Our aim is to establish a luxury treatment center to international clients who need anonymity. It may be people from the upper middle class, highly educated business and professional people with high incomes, such as doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers, and ceo's and known public figures.


Move-Forward is a social enterprise whose main purpose is to serve our clients. We believe our treatment service offers something special and unique. We treat the person - not the disease.


Profit from the processing of international clients makes it possible to support the work with substance abuse amongst Vietnamese street-children.


If you want to learn more, have good ideas, want to participate or a lot of money please don't hesitate to contact me with a co-operation proposal.


We are also looking for companies interested to invest in Vietnam's first and only addiction treatment facility that we can be sure, will be exposed to great media coverage and at the same time make a difference, for vulnerable street kids in Vietnam. They will benefit themselves with investments in their PR - marketing and CSR strategy. 


Let me share our ideas with you on how we think the future might look. 


Please take a look at the attached document.


 Kind regards 

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Charles Doan

Jun 28, 2016, 10:36:00 AM6/28/16
There are programs in Vietnam. Theyre government operated, but they have been making it easier for addicts to get help. In the past, addicts in VN were afraid to seek help as they they would just be placed in jail or rehab. Now the gov is getting better and instead of treating the addicts as criminals, they are offering them methadone and treating it as a disease. I know methadone isn't the best way to treat the disease, but its a good option for some. 
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