The Warning is near!

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Deacon John Giglio

Nov 10, 2021, 10:37:37 AM11/10/21

Cervantes: As the warning nears, Blessed Mother says cunning of no use, be humble

Phone Notes
November 09, 2021

SOME would dismiss as old story these prophecies on end times that started to be preached as soon as Jesus Christ resurrected. But never has history found so many mystics of sound mind, from various points of the compass, almost simultaneously receiving and conveying to us messages from Heaven all warning of apocalypse. These messages are often coupled with unexplainable phenomena: dancing sun, stigmata (wounds in the body of mystics, simulating Jesus’ wounds on the cross), healings, etc. that baffle modern scientists who at times end up being converted.

There’s also something unique and uniform in what these mystics are saying: the end of the world is not yet....but that things apocalyptical, events as never before, are at hand.

A good summary of the events would be in the prophecies in the Marian apparitions in Garabandal, Spain in the 1960s: the Warning, the Miracle, and the Chastisement. Mystics are agreed: these events would be unprecedented.

Let’s focus on the Warning.

In her message to mystic Gisella Cardia on Nov. 6, 2021, the Blessed Mother said that the Warning is not far off. The message:

“My children, thank you for having answered my call in your hearts. My children, I ask you to have a pure heart: rid it of hatred and resentment, and make weekly confession; be ready, because the Warning is about to occur. I will make a bridge between Heaven and earth for all my beloved children.

“My children, walk on the way of holiness, your sufferings that you offer up will help for the salvation of many souls, especially the suffering of my beloved (Gisella). I am gathering my children so that together they would evangelize as much as possible: this is now urgent. My daughter, speak of my Jesus in the world; I will be at your side — my love and consolation are drawing many souls who would otherwise be lost. My children, pray for those in government, for they are plotting something dangerous for you. Pray for the Church. Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” (End of quote.)

Now let us review what Conchita Gonzalez, one of the four visionaries of Garabandal, said about the warning. Here are excerpts from an interview shared by Glenn Hudson, a friend of Conchita and administrator of the Facebook group The Message of Garabandal. Conchita said:

“The Blessed Virgin told me (during a two-hour apparition at the pines January 1, 1965) that a warning would be given before the miracle. The warning is a thing that comes directly from God. No one can escape it. It will be visible all over the world.

“We will feel it bodily and interiorly. The warning is like a chastisement, a terrifying thing for the good as well as for the wicked. It will be like a revelation of our sins. We shall see the consequences of the sins we have committed.

“God will send the warning to purify us so that we may better appreciate the miracle by which He clearly proves His love for us and hence His desire that we fulfill the message. The warning will draw the good closer to God and it will warn the wicked that the end of time is coming.” (End of quote.)

Garabandal visionaries also said they were told that the Warning would come when the world would be at its worst. It would seem that such a situation would include persecution of those faithful to Jesus. This was mentioned in the following message of our Blessed Mother to Gisella on November 3, 2021, thus:

“My children, thank you for having listened to my call in your hearts. I am happy to see you here on your knees in prayer. My children, how I would like to see you like this, not to mention the shower of blessings [that you receive], especially in these very difficult times. This pleases Jesus very much, especially seeing a true faith, a courageous faith that is not afraid of anything. You have been entrusted to me as children and I love you as the Mother of Jesus and your Mother. I want to keep you from sin; I want you always to be ready to unite your gaze with that of Jesus.

“Pray, children, for the Church, because unfortunately, the threats are from within. Remember that you will be persecuted as was my Son. You will be called insane as they said to my Son, and you will not be accepted because of your faith. Your pains will be rewarded a thousand times over. Above all, if you continue on this path, you will one day enjoy paradise. Pray that war would not be able to begin, because everything is ready in the nations. Pray for Spain. Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” (End of quote.)

Our Blessed Mother, knowing how recent prophecies have driven people to speculate on dates, had this to say to mystic Valeria Copponi on Oct. 26, 2021:

“So many of you wonder what will happen next... but then do not manage to take a decisive step towards God. You are still unable to understand that everything that you are experiencing comes from Satan, precisely because so many children [people] who have gone away from God are giving Satan all the evil strength that he then turns back against them.

“Children of my love, you who understand what I am saying, testify that it is only with the strength that comes from God that you can bring love and truth to your earth. You are going further and further away from Him who gave you life; if you do not go back to nourishing yourselves with the ‘true Life’, how will you be able to continue doing everything that you need to do?

“My little children, I know that I can count on you — continue to pray in the silence of the night as some of you are doing; only by offering up prayers and sacrifices can you recover for yourselves the freedom that your Father gave you from the beginning.

“My sons and daughters, I ask you to testify with your lives that it is only in obeying the Father that you can save many lives from the wickedness of Satan. Cunning is of no use: be humble — only with patience and great love towards the weakest can you bring back a little hope to those who have lost their faith.

“I am near to you: make it possible for me to help you recover what you have lost. Take courage, I say to you: you can still get up from this most painful of falls. Your Mother blesses and thanks you.”


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