**~*~*~*~* Fraternity Briefs; April 26, 2017 ~*~*~*~***

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Shah N. Khan

Apr 26, 2017, 2:12:01 AM4/26/17
to Fraternity, freespeechgroup, fraterni...@yahoogroups.com, homebiz2, Pakistan Post
**~*~*~*~* Fraternity Briefs; April 26, 2017 ~*~*~*~***
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QUIZ CORNER (\_/)_(\_/)_(\_/)_(\_/)_(\_/)_(\_/)

1. Scary Unseen : Find a 11 letter world in this anagram  by 
rearranging the letters.

2.  A rich Arab Sheikh provides in his will that his estate to 
be divided among his 8 sons, 4 daughters and 4 wives in such a way that each son gets equal shares and each daughter's share to be half of that a son. And the share of each wife to be equal to that of daughter,

Had he provided equal share for each of the above-mentioned members of the family, each son would get 4 million less and each wife and 
daughter get 4 million more than what they get under the will. Can you tell the amount of estate and individual shares for 
sons, daughter and wife as provided in the will?    

3.   When a letter is added to any one of the following words that will convert another word (in some order of the letters will change). Find five different letters and five pairs of words changed by them. Each letter converts two words.

Chat,  Sit, low, east, ill 
Lot, Wore, ant, sink, lease 

4.  One and the same letter to be added in place of ? and 
letters rearrange to find a 10 letter word. 

5. How many 9 letter words you know that end in letters 

Compiled by Shah N. Khan
Newspaper and periodical interested in a puzzle column 
may contact by email: shah...@yahoo.com

For answers see below.

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Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.
Thomas Jefferson

Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.
Michael Jordan

I don't want to just preach to the church. I feel like I have a broader message.
Joel Osteen

I've never preached one sermon on money, on just finances. I want to stay away from it.
Joel Osteen

Most people already know what they're doing wrong. When I get them to church I want to tell them that you can change.
Joel Osteen

If you want to rear financial blessings, you have to sow financially.
Joel Osteen

Solution to the Quiz Corner _(\_/)_(\_/)_(\_/)_(\_/)_

1) Unnecessary

2. 192 Million. Each son gets 16 Million and wives and 
daughters 8 million each,

3. Sit and ill become fist and fill by adding letter F.
Chat and ant become watch and want by adding letter W.
Low and east become blow and beast by adding letter B.
Wore and sink become tower and stink by adding letter T.
Lot and lease become plot and please by adding letter P.

4. Definition

5. emotional.


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Shah N. Khan
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