Fluoride is Linked to Eye Desease, studies show

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Apr 9, 2019, 4:36:59 PM4/9/19
to Fluoridation News Releases
Fluoride contributes to degenerative eye diseases such as cataracts, age related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma, reports DT Waugh in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (March 2019).
Although research has consistently shown that it is the topical application of fluoride to teeth, not the ingestion of fluoride that reduces tooth decay, you cannot avoid consuming fluoride when it’s added to public water supplies. Claims of safety from long term ingestion ignore hundreds of studies showing the potential for harm including to the eyes.
In this current study, Waugh identifies, for the first time, the key biological pathways and mechanisms by which fluoride contributes to degenerative eye diseases. He suggests minimizing fluoride exposure to reduce the occurrence or severity of AMD, cataracts and glaucoma.
“It’s well known that excessive fluoride exposure is associated with dental fluorosis and musculoskeletal disorders that cause chronic pain” said Waugh.  
“However, my study’s goal was to gain insights into how fluoride may contribute to degenerative eyes, a finding also documented for decades. I show how fluoride ingestion renders eyes more susceptible to degeneration by identifying how fluoride fundamentally alters biological pathways and modifies the expression of genes, proteins and cytokines responsible for development of cataracts, glaucoma and AMD."
"Importantly, I also identify why diabetics, schizophrenics and people with Down syndrome are more susceptible to fluoride’s toxic effects,” says Waugh.
Furthermore, “Emerging evidence also suggests that the molecular mechanisms identified in this study not only contribute to eye diseases but may also contribute to increased risk of pulmonary diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, neurodevelopmental disorders and cancer. Above all this research shows that one must look beyond teeth when examining how fluoride impacts on human health,” says Waugh

“This study adds to the growing body of evidence that adding fluoride to drinking water may have unforeseen consequences and, therefore, water fluoridation must be stopped,” says Waugh.

Previous studies show fluoride intake can contribute to degenerative eye diseases including several documenting that fluoride can accumulate in high concentrations in the eye contributing to retinal toxicity. Also, chronic fluoride exposures have been linked to cataract formation in human and animal studies.
Early in vitro studies using calf lens confirmed that a blockage of the breakdown of sugars by fluoride is followed by cataracts.

Further, in vitro studies identified that fluoride is an enzyme inhibitor in ocular tissue.

Early researchers observed that fluoride significantly inhibited glycolysis in the retina.
On the other hand, “There is a paucity of qualitative research in epidemiology in western countries to examine the possible association between fluoride intake, water fluoridation and degenerative eye disease and no study until now has elucidated the molecular mechanisms by which fluoride intake may increase the likelihood of AMD, cataracts or glaucoma,” says Waugh.

SOURCE: New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc  (NYSCOF)
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