Don’t Feed Babies Fluoridated Water say NYS Health Officials

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Apr 27, 2011, 8:38:42 AM4/27/11
to Fluoridation News Releases,
New York – April 27, 2011 -- Babies fed infant formula mixed with New
York’s fluoridated tap water risk developing enamel fluorosis or
discolored teeth, according to the New York State Department of Health
(1). Bureaucrats fail to effectively broadcast this vital information
beyond their little-read websites which places babies at unnecessary
risk of developing fluoride-damaged teeth, reports the NYS Coalition
Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).

Fluoride chemicals are added to tap water serving 12 million New
Yorkers (8.4 million in NYC) in a failed effort to reduce tooth decay.
Fluoridation costs NYC about $20 million yearly.(2)

In 2006, the National Research Council (NRC) cautioned that infants
can fluoride-overdose via reconstituted baby formula using “optimally”
fluoridated water and risk growing white spotted, yellow, brown and/or
pitted permanent teeth (enamel fluorosis). (3)

“Parents, who are concerned about the risk of enamel fluorosis, can
mix liquid concentrate or powdered infant formula with water that is
fluoride-free or contains low levels of fluoride. Examples are water
that is labeled purified, demineralized, deionized, distilled or
reverse osmosis filtered water,” according to the NYS DoH’s website
(1) Advanced enamel fluorosis (pitting, brown stains) can be reached
with exclusive and/or excessive formula use over a prolonged period,
they report.

“Of course, parents are concerned about possibly disfiguring their
baby’s brand new teeth,” says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President.
“Officials should inform new mothers about this in every way they can.
Instead they omit or downplay its significance seemingly to protect
fluoridation policy,” says Beeber

Over 41% of adolescents are afflicted with enamel or dental fluorosis,
reports the CDC. (4)

“As a cosmetic dentist, it is not uncommon to have patients receive
gorgeous porcelain veneers to correct their dental fluorosis…Costs
range from several hundred dollars to well over $25,000 and need to be
retreated every 10 to 20 years for life time costs which may exceed
$100,000 per person, writes Bill Osmunson DDS in the British Medical
Journal. (5)

Fluoride exposure is rising and causing children's tooth
imperfections, ranging from white spots to brownish discolorations and
pitting, according to dentist Elivir Dincer in the NYS Dental Journal.
“Such changes in the tooth's appearance can affect the child's self-
esteem," Dincer writes.(6)

The NYS DoH joins many fluoridation-promoting organizations which
quietly advise against feeding fluoridated-water to infants, e.g., US
Dept of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control,
American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, Mayo
Clinic, California Dental Association, Vermont Department of Health,
Minnesota Dental Association, Delta Dental, and others.

“All formula, either concentrates or ready-to-feed, [already] have
some fluoride,” says Dr. Howard Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health,
US Department of Health and Human Services.(7) Koh advises low-
fluoride bottled water be used for routinely reconstituting infant

“Government and University officials who protect the chemical fluoride
over children’s health should be de-funded including researchers,
state health commissioners and their dental bureaus,” says Beeber.

The Fairbanks, Alaska City Fluoride Task Force recommends ending
fluoridation because, “This will reduce, but not eliminate, the risk
of significant incidence and severity of fluorosis, especially
fluorosis associated with the use of [Fairbanks fluoridated] water to
prepare infant formula.” (8)

In 1990, some scientists tried in vain to get the word out.
(“Suppression by Medical Journals of a Warning about Overdosing
Formula-Fed Infants With Fluoride,” Journal Accountability in
Research) (9)
FluorideGate? A recent article in an American Association for Justice
newsletter for trial lawyers described potential upcoming fluoride
legal actions based on personal injury, consumer fraud, and civil
rights harm.(10)


1) New York State Department of Health, “Guidance for Use of
Fluoridated Water for Feeding during Infancy ”http://

2) FOIA Letters to Paul S. Beeber from NYC Department of Environmental
Protection February 2009

Page 1

Page 2

3) National Research Council, “Fluoride in Drinking Water: A
Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards”

4) Centers for Disease Control

5) “Fluoridation: Time to Reevaluate,” letter by Bill Osmunson, DDS

6) "Why Do I Have White Spots on My Front Teeth," by Elvir Dincer,
DDS, New York State Dental Journal, January 2008, Page 58 Volume 74,
Number 1

7) Government Perspectives on Healthcare
HHS: Proposed Guidelines on Fluoride in Drinking Water
A Commentary By Howard K. Koh, MD, MPH



10) “Fluoridegate and Fluoride Litigation: What Law Firms Need to
Know About Fluoride Toxic Tort Actions,” by Chris Nidel, Rockville, MD
& Daniel G. Stockin, Ellijay, GA Winter/Spring 2011 American
Association for Justice newsletter
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