SGGTC this Friday: Baptiste Chantraine and Jonathan Simone

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Oleg Lazarev

Apr 23, 2019, 12:29:15 PM4/23/19

Dear all, 

This Friday we have two speakers. Baptiste Chantraine from Université of Nantes will give a talk at 10:30 am in Math 520.  Jonathan Simone from UMass Amherst will give a talk at 1:00 pm in Math 407. We will meet at 11:35 in the lobby and go out for lunch.  



Baptiste Chantraine: Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrian submanifolds and Lagrangian surgeries

Abstract: In this talk we will study Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrian submanifolds arising from some Lagrangian surgeries. From the Floer theory of those cobordisms we can deduce some geometrical descriptions of certain iterated cones in the Fukaya category. I will then explain how those considerations lead to a proof of the fact that Lagrangian cocores generates the wrapped Fukaya category of a Weinstein manifold. This is joint work with G. Dimitroglou Rizell, P. Ghiggini and R. Golovko.

Jonathan Simone: Torus bundles that bound rational homology circles 

Abstract: "Which rational homology 3-spheres bound rational homology 4-balls" is a broad question in low-dimensional topology. It has been resolved for some families of rational spheres (e.g. lens spaces, certain Seifert fibered spaces), but much is still unknown. One strategy to construct a rational sphere bounding a rational ball is to attach a particular 2-handle to a rational homology S^1xD^3 (which we will call a rational homology circle). Thus understanding rational homology S^1xS^2s that bound rational homology circles can be a useful way to attack this problem. We will focus on a simple class of rational S^1xS^2s -- torus bundles over S^1 with b_1=1 -- and we will give a partial answer to the question "Which torus bundles bound rational homology circles?" Along the way, we will use this knowledge to construct rational spheres that bound rational balls and explore why standard obstructions such as Heegaard Floer correction terms and lattice theory do not provide a complete classification. This is a work in progress.

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