SGGTC this Friday: Umut Varolgunes and Daniel Tubbenhauer

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Oleg Lazarev

Sep 11, 2019, 9:52:39 AM9/11/19

Dear all, 

This Friday we have two speakers. Umut Varolgunes from Stanford  University will give a talk at 10:30 am in Math 520.  Daniel Tubbenhauer from University of Zurich will give a talk at 1:00 pm in Math 407. We will meet at 11:35 in the lobby and go out for lunch.  



Umut Varolgunes: Applications of relative invariants in the context of symplectic SC divisors with Liouville complement 

Abstract: I will start by introducing the elementary notions of SH-visible and SH-full subsets, which are analogous to Entov-Polterovich's heavy and superheavy subsets. Then, I will sketch the proof that in the c_1(M)=0 case, the skeleton of a Liouville domain as appeared in the title is SH-full, and explore some consequences of this (this part is inspired heavily by M. McLean's work). Finally, I will give a speculative discussion about what can happen if c_1(M)=0 is not assumed. This is joint work with D. Tonkonog.

Daniel Tubbenhauer: 2-representations of Soergel bimodules 

Abstract: The representation theory of Hecke algebra is unambiguous in mathematics and beyond. In this talk I will give a survey about a categorification of this theory, which we call 2-representation of Soergel bimodules. (Joint with Marco Mackaay, Volodymyr Mazorchuk, Vanessa Miemietz and Xiaoting Zhang.)

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