SGGTC this Friday: Daniel Kaplan and Vardan Oganesyan

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Oleg Lazarev

Oct 2, 2019, 12:43:28 PM10/2/19

Dear all, 

This Friday we have two speakers. Daniel Kaplan from the Fields Institute will give a talk at 10:30 am in Math 520.  Vardan Oganesyan from Stony Brook will give a talk at 1:00 pm in Math 407. We will meet at 11:35 in the lobby and go out for lunch.  



Daniel Kaplan: Formality of Multiplicative Preprojective Algebras 

Abstract: I'll begin by motivating the study of derived multiplicative preprojective algebras from the perspective of Fukaya categories of plumbed cotangent bundles of spheres, following Etgü and Lekili. Next I'll turn to the question of formality: can one recover the Fukaya category from the category of modules over the homology of such algebras, as opposed to the clunkier dg-category of dg-modules for the entire dg-algebra? The answer turns out to be no in the ADE Dynkin case, yes for quivers containing a cycle, and maybe (but probably yes with analogy to the additive setting) in all other cases. The method of proof of formality in the case of quivers containing a cycle (joint work with Travis Schedler) may be of independent interest.

Vardan Oganesyan:  Monotone Lagrangian submanifolds and toric topology 

Abstract: Let N be the total space of a bundle over some k-dimensional torus with fibre Z, where Z is a connected sum of sphere products. It turns out that N can be embedded into \mathbb{C}^n and \mathbb{CP}^n as a monotone Lagrangian submanifold. It is possible to construct embeddings of N with different minimal Maslov numbers and get submanifolds which are not Lagrangian isotopic. Also, we will discuss restrictions on Maslov class of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds of  \mathbb{C}^n  . We will show that in certain cases our examples realize all possible minimal Maslov numbers. In addition, we can show that some of our embeddings are smoothly isotopic but not isotopic through Lagrangians. (joint with Yuhan Sun)

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