Command Editor. Can't find the button

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Kirill Penkin

Apr 24, 2017, 9:07:28 AM4/24/17
to Firebug
First of all, Firebug is a great tool. I think themes like "I dont like new version" isn't a good responce to a programmers team efforts. Shame on them)))

I'm just a starter in WEB development, so my question may seem too easy or may have been discussed, but i didn't find an ansqer using google, Firebug FAQ or google group search in this group.

In my tutorial (i mean the one i use to learn JavaScript basics), speaker uses a handy tool called Command Editor. It divides the Firebug window on two parts one with console and another one with plenty of space to write code.
This is how it looks like:

Otherwise, in version I installed on my computer (it's the latest version avalable now 2.0.19) there's no such button "Command Editor".

There's a "Simple JavaScript Editor" instead, but i have Aptana Studio as a simple enought text editor. 

In firebug wiki i read that there must be a button and (as i understood) the tool is not retired or removed.

So, how can i get the button and the tool back?

Sebastian Zartner

Apr 24, 2017, 9:28:44 AM4/24/17
to Firebug
Note that what you're seeing actually isn't Firebug but the Firefox Developer Tools (with a Firebug theme to let them look like Firebug). You got switched to them automatically, because Firebug doesn't work in multi-process Firefox and it's development is discontinued. You can read more about this circumstance on the related Mozilla Hacks blog post.

Having said that, the Firefox DevTools don't implement all features yet Firebug had and the Command Editor is one of them, unfortunately. See my answer on Stack Overflow regarding this feature.

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