Unawareness and Pain Energy (migraine and epilepsy) inflicted by Sociopaths like l. ron hubbard - WHY don't you report it - {FPP Note 20130729-V1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Aug 18, 2013, 4:20:56 AM8/18/13
to fine-parti...@googlegroups.com
Unawareness and Pain Energy inflicted by Sociopaths like l. ron
 hubbard - WHY don't you report it

                                                        29 July 2013
                                       {FPP draft note 20130729-V1.1}

                                                        (Version 1.1
                                                      on 30 Jul 2013)

                                               (layout for mono-font,
                                               including white space)


Unawareness and Pain Energy is inflicted by Sociopaths like l. ron
 hubbard - WHY don't you report it?

    Unawareness you feel of course by your lack of Perception of
    certain subjects, and

    Pain Energy you feel, of course in whatever part of your body it
    is inflicted by some Sociopath.


But immediately the Sociopaths start screaming at the top of their

    "Hubbard (l. ron hubbard) is DEAD - he CAN'T inflict anything!
     The soul does NOT EXIST!" [CSTC]

And in the next breath, the Sociopaths do shout:

    "You can't inflict anything on anyone or into anyone's body!
     (Harmful) Life Energy DOES NOT EXIST!"

        With their frantic shouting and malice, they help you, to
        know who to recognize as Sociopaths - also the Sociopaths
        who are the very "Well-Adjusted" ones with Nobel Prizes -

        and, in the same batch, you find the "journalists," those
        who make you believe in and celebrate the Sociopaths of

    We go back to look at the infliction of Harmful Energy Particles
    by Sociopaths on you:



They hit you with their Ugliness Energy into your belly - so much that
 you practically try to vomit out your intestines - and they tell you

     "You must have eaten something bad!"

That's how Sociopaths act and think and talk. Without ANY conscience
 at all, and ENJOYING to inflict suffering onto others

        (usually as a method of taking Life Energy away from
         others and use it as their own).


    Ancient Greek Hippocrates inflicts some Hate-Pain Energy into
    someone's forehead, and then he says (he writes):

    "It is the Southern wind changing direction to a Northern wind,
     that brought on (what we still now call) 'a cold' in your
     forehead." *(nn)


They (Sociopaths) create and throw Blackout- and Pain- and Ugliness-
 Energy (Harmful Life Energy Particles) into your eyes, and then

     - with the vision-trouble resulting -

 they recommend an eye-doctor because "you can't see so well anymore."



And you don't dare to report it, because the Sociopaths will ridicule

 and Sociopaths (bullies, they are, really) will tell you and others,
 that YOU "are the crazy one." [IDCM]

    I attach a list, that someone made, of the effect of INFLICTED,
    HARMFUL LIFE ENERGY Particles, as manifesting before and
    during and after migraine headaches. (see Attachment)

    Yet NOBODY dares 'to call a spade a spade.' Earth is the planet
    of cowards, where "Sociopaths do not exist."


    "It is the change of the wind direction, that brought on (what
     we still now call) 'a cold' in your forehead." (nn)

Such are the Sociopaths - including, of course, the "Well-Adjusted"
 Sociopaths - regardless of whether these carry a Nobel Prize.

 And, like MIT Professor Tonegawa, the expert of "Neural Circuit
 Genetics," does it, (20130725 - AFP, time.com, etc.) *(1)

     they prove to you, that their false memories are stored in the
     brains of mice!

     And they found this out, by following their typical 'Mengele-an'

         electroshocking these animals, and implanting long wires
         into their (the animals') brains, so that these are
         attached thereby to instruments and light-shock-delivery



You leave out nearly a hundred percent of the available data that IS
 most relevant to their stated field of research.

 Then call THAT residue of largely irrelevant and FALSE data, to be
 "science" - "the science" and it is relayed as such, as "science," by
 the "science"-journalists of AFP, of Time magazine, etc., etc..

     And nobody protests...




If these "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths, these "scientists" have their
 way, then within a century, they will demand all babies to be
 'inoculated' - to be electroshocked before birth - as a preventive
 measure "so these will not suffer mental illnesses during their whole

    MEANING: 'so that these will not be able to Perceive and detect
    Criminal Minds or "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths.'

        "Being able to Perceive Sociopaths is a mental illness:"

        "People are bodies - and Life Energy does not exist and
         any alleged Harmful Life Energy, thus can not be inflicted

        "it is all fantasy - people can not be Sociopaths, either,
         other than in the mind of the mentally ill and in the sick
         fantasy of the schizophrenic beholder."

    "And electroshocking babies, will have to be made mandatory, in
     order to preclude any possible development of schizophrenic
     delusions, false memories, and the like."

        "Preventive electroshocking of the still un-formed brain
         of the almost born, when the brain is still empty and free
         to be implanted while counter-ideas have not yet entered
         it through its sensory channels (before birth, not yet
         having opened the eyes or used the ears) - this preventive
         treatment of the yet unborn, has presented itself as a
         blessing to the lives of all and to the world in general:"

        "It has given a world free of crime and deceit, because no
         mental illness exists anymore."

        "All People BEHAVE, now."
        "Prisons are not needed anymore."

    "As parents have no scientific qualifications - these can not
     judge, what is best for their children, AND for the society, but
     we can and do."

    "The society now will be free of the scourge of schizophrenia:"

        "Thanks to the research of us, the Nobel Laureate
         scientists in 'Neureugenetics' at MIT, Princeton,
         Stanford and the like."


Or translated: THAT has to be violently and irreversibly forced into
 the brains of all people at the earliest possible age:

    What 'normal, healthy people' ARE allowed to Perceive and ARE
    allowed to remember, and what 'normal, healthy people' "cannot"
    Perceive and "cannot" remember without being diagnosed and
    treated as mentally ill:

    It is a REVERSED society, where the Sociopaths, the Criminal
    Minds, are in charge, and where decent and caring people are
    silenced and incapacitated. Where life is thoroughly oppressed.

Read the "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths NOW: THAT is what they want to
 have in the society.

They demand that NOW.

And their biology "science" NOW, is wholly geared towards that
 "research" - and the journalists don't investigate "science" at all,
 but relay the utter Evil as "scientific facts." [IDCM]


Wholly their opposite

    - me being arguably the most Beautiful, most Loving and Caring
      and the most Truthful and Intelligent spirit on Earth and well
      beyond - I do remain yours faithfully, etc., etc.,


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

                                            'Men of all nations came
                                       to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
                                  sent by all the kings of the world,
                                         who had heard of his wisdom.'

                                                        1 Kings 4:34'


(1)    For instance:

file: 20130727 MIT Plants False Memories, Brings About Miception |
    http://www.crazyengineers.com/threads/mit-plants-false ...
    ... -memories-brings-about-miception.69518/

(nn)    (to be added)



[CSTC]    'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths
     by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' '
     {HRI 20120815-1-V4.2}  [CSTC]
      (15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)

[IDBCM-p20] ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds
     - Part Twenty:(Conclusion)
    "Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
    {HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1}  [IDBCM-p20]
     (28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)

[DSKEY]' 'Purpose of Life' (Meaning of Life) Definition Complete Now
      - plus -
      'Do Sociopaths KNOW they are Sociopaths, and do Sociopaths
       ENJOY being so... Yes, Yes' '
     {HRI 20120819-V3.4}  [DSKEY]
      (19 August 2012 - Version 3.4 on 11 Sep 2012)

     ' 'Цель жизни' (Значение жизни) Определение, полное теперь
      -  плюс -
         'Действительно Социопаты ЗНАЮТ, что они - Социопаты, и
        действительно Социопаты НАСЛАЖДАЮТСЯ быть таковыми...
        Да, Да' '
     (''Purpose of Life' (Meaning of Life) Definition Complete Now')
        {HRI 20120819-V3.4-RU-V1.0}
         (19 августа 2012 - Версия 3.4 от 11 сентября 2012
        - Версия RU-V1.0 от 29 января 2013)

[LEUMPM]'l. ron hubbard IS Extreme Ugliness and Hate - but
     hidden with a MASK, of pretending 'to be me' '
     {HRI 20130411-V2.1-t}  [LEUMPM]
      (11 April 2013 - Version 2.1-t on 16 Apr 2013)


A comment to the Attachments:

The fact that I attach this, does NOT IN ANY WAY whatsoever endorse or
 condone the medical Evil and the medical "explanations" and medical-
 biological, utterly barbaric "science," dominated as it is by
 "Well-Adjusted' Sociopaths,

 a malicious travesty of "science," (see above)

    by type of "scientists," of "Life Energy does not exist and
    Sociopaths do not exist" - with their travesty of "science,"
    that is

 unfortunately still attached to these symptoms and intends to
 continue the sufferings listed below (and many other sufferings)

    - also "Well-Adjusted" Sociopaths are entirely without
      a conscience -

 the "Well-Adjusted" and licensed Sociopaths intend to continue to
 earn a lot of money from your or others' suffering.

Wholly to the contrary, it is MY goal, as you know, for you to be able
 - and to have the possibility [DSKEY] - to fully enjoy life.

See below, under the Copyright statement, for Attachments (1) and (2).



Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
 and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
 anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
 who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
 to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
 specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
 of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
 or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
 and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
 about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
 PlatoWorld at Lycos.com



Attachment (1) on 'migraine': [NOT MY WRITING]

'Migraine [preceding] phase'

A few hours or days before a migraine attack, the majority (about 60%)
of sufferers have a [preceding] phase. They may notice altered mood,
irritability, depression or euphoria, sensitivity to smells or noise,
visual disturbances, altered sense of taste and smell, fatigue,
yawning, excessive sleepiness, craving for certain food (e.g.
chocolate), stiff muscles (especially in the neck), constipation or
diarrhoea, or increased urination. With experience the patient is
warned that a migraine attack is coming.

'Migraine aura'

An aura is a transient visual, sensory, language, or motor
disturbance. It can occur as as a strange light, an unpleasant smell
or confusing thoughts or experiences. People can experience flashes of
white or black, or occasionally multi-coloured lights; zig zag lines,
or cloudy or blurred vision. Others experience feelings of pins and
needles, tingling, numbness, or hypersensitivity.

Most people who experience auras have the same type of aura every
time, though it is not unusual for migraine sufferers to experience
more than one type of aura during a migraine.

About 15 to 35% of people who suffer from migraines experience an aura
before the migraine occurs. The time between the appearance of the
aura and the onset of a migraine may be between a few seconds and up
to an hour. Sometimes there is no migraine after they experience an

The aura can stay with a migraine sufferer for the duration of the
migraine. This can leave the person disoriented or confused.

quoted from:

[End Attachment (1): NOT MY WRITING]



Attachment (2) on 'epilepsy': [NOT MY WRITING]

'Simple Partial Seizures'

'Sensory seizures:'

    These cause changes in any one of the senses. People with
    sensory seizures may smell or taste things that aren't there;
    hear clicking, ringing, or a person's voice when there is no
    actual sound; or feel a sensation of "pins and needles" or
    numbness. Seizures may even be painful for some patients. They
    may feel as if they are floating or spinning in space. They may
    have visual hallucinations, seeing things that aren't there (a
    spot of light, a scene with people). They also may experience
    illusions—distortions of true sensations. For instance, they may
    believe that a parked car is moving farther away, or that a
    person's voice is muffled when it's actually clear.

'Autonomic seizures:'

    These cause changes in the part of the nervous system that
    automatically controls bodily functions. These common seizures
    may include strange or unpleasant sensations in the stomach,
    chest, or head; changes in the heart rate or breathing;
    sweating; or goose bumps.

'Psychic seizures:'

    These seizures change how people think, feel, or experience
    things. They may have problems with memory, garbled speech, an
    inability to find the right word, or trouble understanding
    spoken or written language. They may suddenly feel emotions like
    fear, depression, or happiness with no outside reason. Some may
    feel as though they are outside their body or may have feelings
    of déja vu ("I've been through this before") or jamais vu ("This
    is new to me"— even though the setting is really familiar).

quoted from:


'Early seizure symptoms (warnings)'

Sensory or Thought:

    Deja vu - ("I've been through this before")
    Jamais vu - ("This is new to me," even though really familiar)
    Visual loss or blurring
    Racing thoughts
    Stomach feelings
    Strange feelings
    Tingling feeling


    Pleasant feeling



No warning:

    Sometimes seizures come with no warning


'Seizure symptoms'

Sensory or Thought:

    Black out
    Electric Shock Feeling
    Loss of consciousness
    Spacing out
    Out of body experience
    Visual loss or blurring

quoted from:


'personal stories'

Some personal stories by people who have either experienced or
 witnessed seizure symptoms [I enclose only a few of the links,
 each of which again leads to a whole forum on that subject]:

    Losing Control of Motor Functions
    A Prelude: A Wave of Nausea
    Seizures While Sleeping
    In a Fog
    Starts with a Stare
    A Dream-like State
    Losing Consciousness
    In a Flash
    A Different Expression
    Before a Seizure: The Buzzing Inside

quoted from:


[End Attachment (2) 'epilepsy': NOT MY WRITING]
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