The Three Types of Unawareness Inflicted by the Sociopaths - {FPP 20130911-V1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Sep 12, 2013, 2:26:06 AM9/12/13
Three Types of Unawareness (TTU) Inflicted by the Sociopaths

                                                   11 September 2013
                                                  {FPP 20130911-V1.1}

                                                        (Version 1.1
                                                        on same date)

                                               (layout for mono-font,
                                               including white space)


There ARE NO 'Awareness-Levels' but there ARE Levels of UNAWARENESS.

    So people are at very deep levels of Unawareness - of Blindness
    or of Insensitivity, if you like.

    And any level of Unawareness fluctuates, as you know.

    And the level of Unawareness is subject-specific:

        to be on some subjects quite less aware, on other subjects
        quite more aware

        - which, again, also fluctuates, as you do experience, and
          thus know.



There are basically Three Types of Unawareness (TTU) inflicted by

    Unawareness - Blindness or Insensitivity, if you like - is

 1.    when your Awareness Energy is Blocked off by some Sociopath,
     (TTU-1) - you become less Aware or Unaware of something or

 2.    when your Awareness Energy is taken away, vampired from you,
     by some Sociopath (TTU-2) - you become less Aware or Unaware of
     something or someone,

 3.    when Awareness Energy is ENFORCED on you by some Sociopath
     (TTU-3), it replaces your own Perception, and provides you with
     a FALSE 'Awareness' - which is, again, an Unawareness - you
     become FALSELY "Aware" of something or someone.
     (see 'Textnote' (a))


        You also have to know at the same time, about them,
        that Sociopaths do instantly DENY any and all of their
        Evil inflictions on you and on anyone.

        AND - on top of that - they want to have everything
        "understood" IN REVERSE,

            so when people actually PERCEIVE something
            non-photon-wise, like Perceiving or sensing
            THEM inflicting what they inflict, then

        the Sociopaths tell you, that actual and very real, but
        non-photon Perception (maybe you use the term Sensitivity)
        "is a hallucination," and they ridicule you, and demand
        thereby, that such Perception "must not be talked about
        with others" ...must not be verified, they mean.



Of course, the three types of Unawareness (TTU-1, TTU-2, and TTU-3)
 can be and usually are inflicted simultaneously on you, by a
  Sociopath or by a group of Sociopaths - and such Unawareness is
  inflicted of course also by DECEASED* Sociopaths on you

      - these do not suddenly lose their capability, to create and
        inflict the mentioned Harmful Energy Particles on others,
        when they (Sociopaths) become free of their body - quite the
        contrary, in fact.*

     The Sociopaths do however want you to be UNAWARE of also that:
     They push you down, into deeper and deeper Levels of Unawareness

         - into their Energetic 'Cave' if you like, into their
           'Bubble' of FALSE "Awareness."

     You can see them doing that nowadays openly and intensely:
     those Sociopaths** who currently dominate "science."


Wholly their opposite

    - me being arguably the most Beautiful, most Loving and Caring
      and the most Truthful and Intelligent spirit on Earth and well
      beyond -

 I do remain yours faithfully, etc., etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

                                       'Solomon's wisdom was greater
                                                  than the wisdom of
                                             all the men of the East,
                                                         and greater
                                        than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

                                                        1 Kings 4:30



(a)        This last one, (TTU-3), is of course the most obvious to
        the layman, and often is the most annoying of the three,

            resulting in a host of mental and Perceptional

            that the Sociopaths DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW the
            cause of, nor the fact that it is INFLICTED on you,

                much less, that it is inflicted by THEM, in
                the present or in the past.

                    Even a mechanical infliction like an
                    very close-by explosion, or an electric
                    shock, or drugs, are mostly INTENDED by
                    some Sociopath(s) near or far up the
                    line of cause.

                But we are talking here about the infliction
                of Unawareness Energy, of Harmful Life Energy
                Particles.  [DPFI]

            If you still don't know it: SOCIOPATHS are the cause
            of it and THEY create(d) and inflict(ed) the Harmful
            Life Energy Particles which carry the FALSE, often
            very debilitating Perception resulting in the FALSE
            Awareness. (TTU-3)



(*)    'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
    (incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
    {HRO 20081017-V3.3}  [HRO]
     (17 October 2008 - Version 3.3 on 30 Sep 2012)

(**)    'Hiding as 'Skeptics' and 'Atheists,' Sociopaths Destroy
      Society: Richard Dawkins Foundation for DESTROYING Reason and
      Science - "people have no legs" '
    {HRI 20120127-V4.3}  [RDFDS]
     (27 January 2012 - Version 4.3 on 19 Jul 2012)



[DPFI]'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase'
    {HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}  [DPFI]
     (3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
     (Version 4.2)

[CSTC]    'Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths
     by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' ' {HRI
     20120815-1-V4.2}  [CSTC]
      (15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)

[IDBCM-p20] ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds
     - Part Twenty:(Conclusion)
    "Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
    {HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1}  [IDBCM-p20]
     (28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)



Copyright 2013 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
 and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
 anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
 who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
 to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
 specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
 of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
 or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
 and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
 about any organizations or individuals.
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