Meet the tireless elderly women from Tepoztlán fighting to save the environment

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HMRD Cesidio Tallini

Feb 24, 2017, 1:15:56 PM2/24/17
This news summary is brought to you by International Media (IM), a UMMOA–GEO news agency.

Meet the tireless elderly women from Tepoztlán fighting to save the environment
The so-called “Batalla de las Cacerolas" (Battle of the Saucepans) is a documentary which tells of the women of Tepoztlán, a village located in the central-southern region of Mexico, who have campaigned throughout history against the megaprojects that continually prey on their communities. []

Corsica has obtained French National Assembly approval for a new, more independent, governing body
Corsica has obtained the approval of the French National Assembly for the establishment of a unique collectivity, a new governing body that has been long-demanded by Corsican parties. The new governing authority is set to merge, from 1 January 2018, three existing bodies, namely the current Corsican territorial collectivity and the island's two departments. That same model is being used in Martinique and Guiana. The move enjoys the support of the Corsican coalition government, made up of pro-autonomy and pro-independence parties. Assembly of Corsica president Jean-Guy Talamoni has stated in Corsican: «À rombu di travaglià, ciò chì paria impussibule — à certi, micca à tutti —, hè diventatu pussibule.» Translation: "Through hard work, what seemed impossible — to some, [but] not to everyone — has become possible." Article below in Corsican. []

Congolese Christians Terrorized by "Violent Thungs" Desecrating Churches, Attacking Nuns
Churches in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are being desecrated and Christian nuns terrorized by "violent thugs," says Roman Catholic Cardinal Monsengwo Pasinya of Kinshasa, following a wave of increased hostility against believers. []

HMRD Cesidio Tallini
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