Intermicronational World has ceased publication, and rebranded itself to better reflect its philosophy

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HMRD Cesidio Tallini

Feb 17, 2017, 3:26:55 PM2/17/17
This news summary is brought to you by International Media (IM), a UMMOA–GEO news agency.

Intermicronational World has ceased publication, and rebranded itself to better reflect its philosophy
Intermicronational World (IW) had started back in October 2011 with an idea of an "intermicronational" society that didn't really exist back then, and which did not materialise through the years either, since most micronations are just smaller, more ego-centred versions of their evil macro-size parents. In the meantime, IW went on to astonishing heights of analytic journalism excellence, to such a degree that it involuntarily fostered a higher status to all micronations even in the world's mainstream media (MSM). However, IW lost neither itself, nor its core mission in the process, and has chosen to abandon the largely alien micronationalist, secessionist, even dual national emphasis, being a mostly political, not societal emphasis, and to focus its attention on its core mission, also with the help of some good rebranding. Intermicronational World (IW) is now all grown up, no longer a tool of "ego-nationalists" and other Aristotelian aficionados, and its new name is International Media (IM), the truly alternative international media. []

Isolated African tribe drink straight from cows' udders
An incredible set of photographs have lifted the lid on life inside the African tribe that walk for up to 10 hours a day to find water and drink straight from cows' udders. The nomadic tribe are famous for their elaborate scar patterns and athletic prowess, but photographer Sumy Sadurni wanted to focus on how the climate change has affected their lives in a big way. []

HMRD Cesidio Tallini
International Media (IM)
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