UMMOA–GEO's first preferred use ccTLD

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HMRD Cesidio Tallini

Mar 10, 2017, 4:10:54 PM3/10/17
This news summary is brought to you by International Media (IM), a UMMOA–GEO news agency.

UMMOA–GEO's first preferred use ccTLD
It is already known that the ICANN's Internet offers no protection of First Amendment rights within its global, monopolistic network, which is hypocrisy besides being a violation of Cesidian law. If you are not going to enforce universal rules and rights applicable to all Internet users across the world, regardless of jurisdiction, what is the purpose of a single ICANN root? However, even corporate, non-government controlled parts of the ICANN's Internet have become such an arbitrary and commercial whore that the network no longer deserves to be supported as a global public service, since it largely serves the interests of private profiteers who never developed the Internet, yet now act like they have some esclusive monopoly over certain word strings, even over single Roman characters. A Nigerian lieutenant general in the article below acts like the Millennium is his monopoly, not the Lord's, and certain TLD registries now act like they are the Word, not the Lord. The UMMOA Foreign Ministry will begin to retreat from many domains, including UMMOA, UGV, and GEO second-level domain labels. [IM]

Those agitating for secession can wait another millennium — Buratai
Mr Buratai, a Nigerian lieutenant general, after receiving the "Millennium Hero" award, has said: "I want to call on all the agitators for separation and other acts of destabilisation, they better forget it, not in this era, not in this millennium." In other words, the Nigerian lieutenant general has basically said to all those Biafrans seeking Jesus' kingdom of righteousness, not "make my day", but "make my millennium". []

Biafra: Secession not solution to your problems — Catholic Bishop tells agitators
While Biafra groups believe they are surrounded by a planet of the apes called Nigeria, and suggest that it is time to separate from this world, the Catholic bishop of Jalingo Diocese asserts that separation from the Nigerian "zoo" is not a solution. In other words, this bishop suggests to first seek Nigeria, the kingdom of this world and its evil, and the kingdom of God and its righteousness will be added to you. But this is actually the opposite of the advice Jesus gives in Matthew 6:33. []

Three "secession movement" leaders arrested for treason
Three ring leaders of the so called Homeland Study Group Foundation (HSGF) based in Ho, and seeking to declare the Volta Region part of the Northern and Upper East regions as the Western Togoland state, have been arrested. []

HMRD Cesidio Tallini
International Media (IM)
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