Societalist, not socialist revolt: Protesters in Romania hold huge anti-government demonstration

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HMRD Cesidio Tallini

Feb 3, 2017, 4:43:19 PM2/3/17
This news summary is brought to you by Intermicronational World (IW), a UMMOA–GEO government news agency.

Societalist, not socialist revolt: Protesters in Romania hold huge anti-government demonstration
Communism is dead, in fact it died back in 1989 in Romania; but Euro-American socialism is also dying, and being replaced by... societalism — there is nothing else you can call the broadly-based anti-politician, anti-government discontent. It happened first with Brexit in the UK, and then with Trump's surprise election in the US. Socialists across America and Europe are still thinking it's some sort of a fluke. But now the socialist government that came to power only a month ago in Romania, has managed already to alienate, and spill into the streets of Bucharest, over 100,000 people in protest for its self-serving legislation decriminalising corruption. Reuters called it the biggest anti-corruption protest in decades, the biggest protest in Romania since 1989, says Deutsche Welle and Bloomberg. []

Bloody violence and media blackout in Southern Cameroon (video)
The Cameroonian community held a demonstration in front of the French embassy in Washington DC on Tuesday, to draw attention to what they say is France's culpability in the ongoing conflict in that central African country. The English-speaking minority in Southern Cameroon is agitating for independence from the central government, which is controlled by the French-speaking majority. RT America correspondent Alexey Yaroshevsky brings us the harrowing details. Then, Herbert Yusimbom Boh, spokesperson for the Movement for the Restoration of the Independence of Southern Cameroons (MoRISC), joins RT America's Simone Del Rosario to offer an insider's perspective on the desperate situation. []

Irexit: Republic of Ireland must follow UK's lead and leave EU
It is certain that the Republic of Ireland will, or should vote to leave the EU soon after the UK. The Republic only joined the EU because they had no real choice when the UK did, plus more than 83% of the Republic's trade is with the UK. And those are not even all of the reasons why the move makes sense. []

Donald Trump's Muslim Travel Restrictions Could Be Enforced At UK Airports
BuzzFeed News has learned that the US president's controversial immigration restrictions could be enforced in Edinburgh, Manchester, and London Heathrow. The pre-clearance system is already in place in Canada, Ireland, the United Arab Emirates, and the Caribbean, and there are proposals to extend it to the UK, Japan, Belgium, Norway, Spain and Sweden, among other countries.[]

Trump Had Furious Talk With Aussie Leader
Disputes with Iran and Mexico in the early days of the Trump administration may have been predictable — but not many people predicted a clash with Australia. []

December 2016–January 2017 UNPO Newsletter (PDF)
The December 2016–January 2017 Edition of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) Newsletter. []

HMRD Cesidio Tallini
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