California May Become Sanctuary State to Fight Trump's Immigration Policy

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HMRD Cesidio Tallini

Feb 2, 2017, 1:19:15 PM2/2/17
This news summary is brought to you by Intermicronational World (IW), a UMMOA–GEO government news agency.

California May Become Sanctuary State to Fight Trump's Immigration Policy
California is introducing legislation to become a "sanctuary state", enabling the Golden State to prohibit its law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities, seeking to implement President Donald Trump's new stricter policies for those who enter the nation without documentation. []

The Mayor of London is a proven hypocrite; let's quantify just how much of a hypocrite he is
Nigel Farage has recently accused Sadiq Khan of hypocrisy, after the Mayor of London attacked Trump's immigration ban, even suggesting Trump's state visit to Britain should be cancelled, yet invited ambassadors from countries which impose immigration bans on Israelis to London's City Hall [ ]. Actually Farage, if anything, has only understimated the hypocrisy of Khan. The same Mayor didn't say a thing when the UK's own Foreign and Commonwealth Office banned Christian archbishops from Iraq and Syria almost two months ago (under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Boris Johnson's watch), and for far more trivial reasons than terrorism, or potential terrorism. And these archbishops, by the way, had actually been invited by Prince Charles! Read the article below for more details about that. Even more tellingly, where was this Mayor's outrage when the refugee crisis was being created in the first place, as this commentator [ ] emphasises? In March 2013, warmongering France and Britain were even ready to arm rebels in Syria despite the European Union arms embargo on the country [ ]. []

African Union backs mass withdrawal from ICC
The African Union has called for the mass withdrawal of member states from the International Criminal Court (ICC). However, the resolution is non-binding, with slippery slope Islamist Nigeria, and majoritarian Islamist Senegal opposing a withdrawal. Aristotle would have been proud of these two countries, proud even of Islamist Pope Francis. I'm sorry to day this, but Martin Luther was at least partially right to reject Aristotle. Luther famously declared: "What has Aristotle to do with Christ?" The only problem with Luther's thoughts were the basic premise, since there is nothing wrong in using philosophy in theology per se. The central problem, which unfortunately Luther could not fathom, is when you use the wrong philosopher, instead of the right one, the propagandist and apologist for fascism, when you should have used the mathematician and apologist for plain old fortitude, and Aristotle was wrong from the get-go. []

Cameroon: colonial past and present frictions
In Cameroon, there has been a surge in protests by the English speaking minority against the dominance of the francophone majority. Understanding the country's colonial past helps explain the depth of this animosity. []

How George Soros and Hillary Clinton almost conquered the world (but were stopped just in time)
For a time — several months, in fact — it looked like Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was going to steamroll her way into the White House. []

HMRD Cesidio Tallini
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