Phoenix Rising: How Not to Find (or Research) XMRV?: the CDC XMRV Paper is Finally Published.

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Cort Johnson

Jul 5, 2010, 10:40:36 AM7/5/10
to cort johnson

After eight months of ups and downs with XMRV  the craziness surrounding it hit new heights. First a lecture indicating a positive XMRV study by an NIH researcher was leaked, apparently alerted Department of Health and Human Services officials  to its presence. They reacted by smothering both it and a negative study that was about to be published. Then, they reversed direction and published the negative study while holding up positive one.  By the time it was done virtually everyone with a stake in the issue was upset; the patients, on the verge of finally getting positive confirmation of XMRV were furious, the research community was angry at seeing their protocols bypassed in the name of political correctness, and the DHHS looked inept and heavy-handed at the same time.

We were left with the most comprehensive XMRV followup study by one of the major  medical stakeholders - the CDC. The CDC's paper, which was co-authored by Dr. Reeves , who'd rather notoriously said he didn't expect to find XMRV - and who'd chided the Science journal for accepting the paper -  in essence called  for an end to the search for XMRV in CFS. The CDC's findings were met with a furious rebuttal by CAA Research Directer, Dr. Suzanne Vernon, a former lab chief for the CDC, who stated the study was an exercise in how not to find XMRV. Wild times indeed.

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Cort Johnson

Phoenix Rising  - An ME/CFS Website at

Cort Johnson

Phoenix Rising  - An ME/CFS Website at

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